Cardiac workup - just curious

on 7/31/08 8:34 pm - Milwaukee, WI
I'm just wondering how many people had a cardiac workup either pre-op or post-op?

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406  /   374       /   196  / 180 

on 7/31/08 10:16 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I had a stress test prior to surg.  It was inconclusive....I think because I couldn't stay on the treadmill as long as they wanted.  I then had to have a heart cath just to make sure everything was ok.
I had it a week before my surg and was petrified and scared.  But it was really nothing. The worst thing was they make you lay in bed for 6 hours make sure the artery doesn't bleed out.
They didn't find any I was AOK.

 29 lbs lost preop

on 7/31/08 11:49 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Dawn,

The being told you have to go for the test is about the scariest thing.  I had a nuclear stress test before my first panni, a echo cardigram before my gastric bypass and another nuclear stress test before my second panni.  They were all required because my EKG was abnormal.  The hardest part was the waiting. 

I don't test well on EKG's and I was  glad that they were so cautious before my surgeries.

Take a good book with you and have lots of pleasant thought, it will be over before you know it.

Good luck with it and hope all turns out good.

on 8/1/08 12:07 am - LA
I had the nuclear stress test.  The worry about the results was a bigger deal to me then the actual testing process.  Thanksfully all came out well and I was able to have my surgery.  For me, it was that I knew I was fine - but this test was either going to confirm that or disprove it.  Scary!!! 
(deactivated member)
on 8/1/08 1:08 am - San Antonio, TX
I had an ekg and a heart cath pre-op, and the cardiologist also placed an IVC filter when he did the heart cath.
on 8/1/08 2:47 am - Sheridan, MT
 I had an EKG and a chest X-ray to make sure my heart wasn't abnormally large (it wasn't).  The EKG was normal and the chest X-ray was because I had bi-lateral lower extremity edema.

on 8/1/08 4:58 am - Milwaukee, WI
I should have typed more in my original post.  I'm not scheduled for anything, but I've seen a lot of ppl mention having cardiac workups.  I only had a chest xray and EKG done preop.  I did have results of a stress test from 4 years previous that I provided to the surgeon. 

I was kinda curious what other people's doctors required because it seems that most of us that are (were) SMO would have been rather sedentary people.  Then there is such an emphasis on exercise post op.   For years I've always figured I'd have a heart attack any day (because of my size and inactivity) and it's hard to get rid of the mentality.  The irrational thinking tends to prohibit me from exercising and certainly from "pushing it".   As soon as I experience any shortness of breath (never get that since I do have asthma - lol) or feeling flush or weak it kinda freaks me out and I quit.  I think I'm getting to the point of just telling the surgeon's office (or my primary in Sept when I have my physical) that I think I should have stress test.  I think I would have a bit more confidence now if I had that workup done preop. 

Thanks for my therapy session...


 Start / Surgery / Current / Goal
406  /   374       /   196  / 180 

on 8/1/08 2:01 pm - Merced
I was told my insurance requires the cardiac eval of anyone over 50.  When they did the 12 lead stress test I had achielles heel tendonities and couldn't hardly walk so they did the chem test.  I thought I was going to pass out.  The nuclear test was a breeze.  Turns out I have had a "cardiac episode" sometime in the my life.  Maybe a silent heart attack.  Maybe a blood clot. Maybe...  Anyway I have been approved for surgery and will go in for an RNY on Aug. 19th.  PS I also had to go to a hemotologist and get checked for blood clots beause of the results of the cardiac eval.  Godd news all around for me and you too I hope.  Helga
on 8/3/08 11:16 am - Cumberland, MD
Hi. I had an ekg and that was it.

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