Update re: plastics approval

(deactivated member)
on 7/31/08 7:19 am - Cleveland Heights, OH

Thanks, Deb!  I'm hoping that after plastics I'll finally be able to wrap up and move past some of the body image issues I'm still dealing with.  People keep telling me I'm skinny - me, skinny? - and I just don't see it when I look in the mirror. 

I'm preparing myself for the painful recovery from plastics, but I'm familiar with narcotic pain medication, which can make many things seem manageable.  Plus, no pain, no gain, right?  Personally, I'm looking forward to being smokin' hot by next summer :-) 

How's the recovery from the thigh lift going?  I'm hoping to have enough $$$ to do a thigh lift in 2009, but right now am focused on pushing through the abdominoplasty and breast lift/brachioplasty in 2008.  I have a lot of excess skin on my thighs, but great muscle tone underneath so I'm hopeful about being able to eventually have decent legs some day -

No rush on the pictures - whenever you get around to it will be fine.  I appreciate your willingness to share -


on 7/31/08 8:12 am - fort wayne, IN
i know what you mean about people telling you you're skinny -- i get that all the time too. people at work telling me "you need to stop losing weight" "or you're getting too skinny"...hell, i'm just barely into the normal  bmi range -- how can that be "too skinny"?

but getting that skin off my abdomen really did make a difference in how i feel about how i look. and i seem to have a really high tolerance for pain or something, cause the procedures i've had thus far while painful, haven't seemed that bad to me. 3-4 days on vicodin, and i'm fine after that.

i've got a good sized hole in my right  thigh incision where it pulled open. so that kinda sucks, but it's happened, i whined for a day or so, now i'm dealing with it and moving on! like the doctor told me, i'm still going to have a good result -- it's just gonna take a little longer for the right leg to heal.

probably getting some stitches out at doctor appt tomorrow.

all the best!

on 7/31/08 3:31 am - Pequannock, NJ
Wow Kellie....Congratulations!  What a major step. I think everyone on the board is excited for you as you are a great presence here and truly an inspiration for us just starting this journey.

I am sure this is an uplifting moment for you. God bless and (I know you will) keep us all in the loop on your progress!

(deactivated member)
on 7/31/08 7:20 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Thanks, Denise.  It's exciting to move on to the next phase of this amazing journey - and it's great to have such good supporters cheering me on :-)

on 7/31/08 3:49 am - Columbus, OH
Yea Kellie!!! I am so excited for you!!

(deactivated member)
on 7/31/08 7:21 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Thank you, thank you, thank you :-)

on 7/31/08 5:36 am - Boron, CA
I am sooo excited for you woooo hooo. . . . . . . . . . . . .

(deactivated member)
on 7/31/08 7:21 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Thanks - I'm excited too :-)

on 7/31/08 6:33 am - CO


Is there a reason you need to keep your navel?  If I'm ever lucky enough to get a panni, they can keep my navel, I'm not attached to it at all.  (harharhar)

We'll be able to bounce quarters off your abs!  What a milestone!






(deactivated member)
on 7/31/08 7:22 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
After 40 years, I'm sort of fond of my belly button and am willing to pay a little extra to be able to keep it!!! 

I'll be charging fees for bouncing quarters off my rock hard abs - anything to help cover those darn co-pays :-)

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