Just My Size sale
I bought my first jms bra saturday.
Id went down a whole cup size....wahhhh
But big lots had them for $5.00 each they had others playtex and etc.
But the jms is so comfortable that i had to check and make sure i had it on.
Im gonna go back today if they dont have anymore ill go online,
thank you for the heads up..
that's a good deal. I've discovered the Curvation Bras that Queen Latifa promotes. they are really comfy and look good under a t-shirt. They are molded w/underwire and just make things look right.
I switched to molded underwire after seeing a pic of me onstage at church and the girls weren't where they were supposed to be. I tried on many, many bras and decided that the molded underwire made the girls be in the right place.