Just My Size sale

on 7/1/08 8:31 pm - Milwaukee, WI
Got an email today advertising $1.99 shipping (promo code 610965) at JMS.com thru 7/5.  As a rule, I have sworn off ordering from a catalog, but lots of bras are on sale and with the cheap shipping, I just might do a bit of ordering.   Happy 4th. -Dawn

 Start / Surgery / Current / Goal
406  /   374       /   196  / 180 

on 7/2/08 1:40 am - aurora, IN
I bought my first jms bra saturday. Id went down a whole cup size....wahhhh But big lots had them for $5.00 each they had others playtex and etc. But the jms is so comfortable  that i had to check and make sure i had it on. Im gonna go back today if they dont have anymore ill go online, thank you for the heads up..
kathy S.
on 7/3/08 12:39 am - Pensacola, FL
that's a good deal.  I've discovered the Curvation Bras that Queen Latifa promotes.  they are really comfy and look good under a t-shirt.  They are molded w/underwire and just make things look right.   I switched to molded underwire after seeing a pic of me onstage at church and the girls weren't where they were supposed to be.  I tried on many, many bras and decided that the molded underwire made the girls be in the right place.
on 7/3/08 9:17 am - Milwaukee, WI
I've been thinking that the molded underwire is probably for my girls too. They have definately lost whatever shape they had left.  Where did you buy the Curvation bras? -Dawn

 Start / Surgery / Current / Goal
406  /   374       /   196  / 180 

kathy S.
on 7/3/08 10:58 pm - Pensacola, FL
Got them at the base, but I saw them in Walmart.  They are about 12-15 each.  I really like how the fit.
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