I got GREAT news today!
Almost two years ago I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Two sleep studies showed that I woke up an average of 58 times per hour, stopped breathing for 30-50seconds each time and my oxygen level would go below 60%. I was VERY scared to say the least. I remember asking the doctor "Am I going to die?". He said untreated my severe sleep apnea could result in heart problems and eventually a heart attack, so yes, I could die. So I have religiously used my cpap every night since...
Well, I have been battling fatigue for about three months now and last week I finally got back into my sleep disorder center for another sleep study. I figured with the weight I've lost so far that my cpap machine was no longer set correctly and I wasn't sleeping right because of it. The sleep disorder doctor called me today and said "You have no more sleep apnea, you sexy thing, and you did it all by yourself!" He was such a hoot! I only had two apneas during the entire night and my oxygen level did not go low. I was able to reach all four levels of sleep. HOORAY! I no longer have to go "snorkeling" every night.
I did ask him if using the cpap when not needed would have been disrupting my sleep causing the fatigue and he couldn't say yes or no. He suggested doing another followup with my WLS surgeon to be sure something else isn't going on. So I have a call into the WLS office to see if I should come earlier than my next appt (July 10th). I'm wondering if my fatigue will resolve itself once I stop using the cpap machine.
Wish me luck over the next couple of nights!! :) I'm so excited. HOORAY!!
Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!