Fathers Day Suggestion
Well I am going to offer my service to those looking for an in expensive way to a unique D Day gift. I can do some pretty awesome graphics design with pictures. I can e mail you the results that you can take anywhere and have printed out. You just frame it. My work is free. I will come on and off line tomorrow looking in my e mail to see if anyone is interested. What I need is for you to e mail me a digital form of pictures you want me to work with. Dad, kids, wife, family animals. Pretty much send what you can. I will get as creative as I can and e mail it back to you tomorrow. If anyone interested just e mail me here and I will send you a different e mail to send the pics to. Let me know.
That's so sweet of you to offer that! What program do you use? Adobe? I am taking a photoshop class at the university in the fall. I've picked up tricks here and there and can do some very basic design. I got my DH a surround sound home theatre system. He's so worth it to me because he's an awesome daddy and husband