Gym is Open (Tuesday 4/15)

estelle S.
on 4/15/08 10:48 am - Brant Lake, NY

Kix, How do people are that are thin stay thin if they don't go to the gym? Lets take my 5 sisters who not one of them do any formal exercise and not one of them are over weight?   I just dont understand it and it makes me very angry honestly lol I know they all eat I have seen them! I ran a mile , Its still hard for me to breath probably, I wish I could go a little longer.  I think I should go  back to the docs and have them check.    Estelle

on 4/15/08 2:16 pm - CO
I'm sure it must have something to do with metabolism.  My brother ate like a pig and never gained weight until his metabolism slowed down as he got older.  He wasn't an exercise buff, either.  I had a roommate in college who had such a high metabolism that if she skipped a meal (which she did because she'd FORGET to eat), she'd faint.  A pulmonologist can check your lung capacity with a couple of simple tests.  In the meantime, did you keep your incentive spriometer after you had surgery?  It's the huffer puffer thing they give you in the hospital to help expand your lungs.  My RT back when I was on supplemental oxygen told me if I used mine for ten minutes every day, my lung capacity would improve significantly.  It did! Kix



estelle S.
on 4/15/08 8:38 pm - Brant Lake, NY
What a good idea!  Thanks! I'll look for it.
(deactivated member)
on 4/15/08 11:51 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hi, Estelle!  Keep in mind that just because people are thin does not mean they are healthy!!!!!! {{{{{hugs}}}}} Kellie
(deactivated member)
on 4/15/08 12:37 pm - San Antonio, TX
Ended up skipping the gym - we are both very tired this evening.  We watched Midnight Cowboy instead.  What the h-e-double hockey sticks? 
on 4/15/08 2:06 pm - CO
It was a big deal back in 1969, being about a male hustler and all.  You kind of had to be there.   I think it was actually rated X back then, although my folks took me to see it.  One thing I do appreciate very much about my parents is that they made sure I didn't have a cloistered upbringing. On the other hand, I didn't have 100% freedom to do as I pleased, either. Even though the movie is quite dated and tame now, I have always liked the soundtrack, and John Barry's version of the movie theme always manages to choke me up a bit.  But then, a lot of John Barry's music does that to me, not sure why!  Kix



(deactivated member)
on 4/15/08 2:09 pm - San Antonio, TX
Yeah I read a bunch of background about it and that helped.  I'll take The Graduate, soundtrack and all, over Midnight Cowboy anyday!
on 4/15/08 2:19 pm - CO
Next time you watch The Graduate, take note that Ben (Dustin Hoffman) is driving the wrong way on the Bay Bridge as he's heading to Berkeley.  The top span of the bridge is one way heading west from Oakland to San Francisco.  Ben is driving from L.A. and should be on the lower span of the bridge, which heads east from San Francisco to Oakland/Berkeley.  Of course, filming him on the lower span of the bridge doesn't make for pretty moviemaking, unless you're doing something like the Blues Brothers on Lower Wacker in Chicago. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 4/16/08 2:20 am - San Antonio, TX
Hmmm, interesting tidbit.  We watched it not long ago so that scene is still clear in my mind.  I've always liked The Graduate, husband hadn't seen it so I recorded it.  He definitely liked it too :)  Some of these "old movies" are duds (Rocky, Vertigo) but I am definitely liking others (Rear Window!)  I'm not sure what's on tap next.  We have some in the DVR (The Man Who Knew Too Much, Strangers on a Train) and some coming from Blockbuster mail - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and the original Manchurian Candidate. 
on 4/15/08 2:22 pm - CO
I went to the gym today and started with 10 minutes of intervals on the elliptical (burning 115 calories).  I then did my strength training, using lower weights and higher reps, which I enjoyed.  I went back to the elliptical and did 10 more minutes of intervals (burning 120 calories).  Did my errands and went home for a couple of hours, then went to the rec center for aquacise.  I got there early, so I did 10 minutes on the cross-trainer (only burned 50 calories even though I was sweating like a big hog).  Did an hour of aquacise, which wasn't vigorous but nice because I stretched all my muscles. Kix



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