Wow moment at gym -

(deactivated member)
on 3/31/08 11:10 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
I was on the rowing machine last night at the gym, and a woman came up to me and asked how I liked it and how long I did it each day.  I chatted with her about how to use and adjust the machine, how I used it, my general cardio routine, etc.   When we were done, she said she'd just started coming to the gym and she really wanted to lose weight, but it was going super slow.  I told her that by losing it slowly and focusing on creating new, healthy habits, she had a much better chance of keeping off what she loses.  Then I told her that I had lost 210 pounds following a gastric bypass.  She was speechless for a couple seconds, then said that she would have never ever guessed that I had been that overweight.  To her, I looked like a regular, normal person at the gym, working out.... It reminds me that I still need to work on seeing what I really look like now, instead of overlaying my historical fat image over my new body.  It also reminded me just how far I've come in 29 months....  Finally, it was super timely as I've been frustrated trying to lose this last 10-15 pounds, and talking to her about how I can still lose although it's really slow reminded me to take my own advice; slow and steady wins the race.  I can do this, we can all do this -  Anyway, that's what's in my head this morning, so I thought I'd share it with my peeps.  I know a number of us are frustrated because our weight loss has stopped or slowed down significantly, but we can do this, and I'm grateful to have your understanding, support, and encouragement -  Kellie
estelle S.
on 4/1/08 6:59 am, edited 4/1/08 7:28 am - Brant Lake, NY
Kelli,  You know its amazing when you think about how almost everyone feels the same way about themselves. I don't think I will ever be able to take off the fat girl cloths!   I was always the most outgoing, the one with the biggest mouth , If you need someone to go tell that boy at the roller skating rink you think he's cute, have Estelle do it lol Remember those days?  I still have a long way to go but like Jen I ask Jerry to point out people that are my size and then when he does it I always think he is blind lol   I don't think I will ever see myself as anything but the fat girl!   I'm not sure I even care about what I look like any more. Lately I have just wanted to focus on what I feel like because one thing I did realize is that when I focus on my weight I gain! if I could just focus on being healthy then maybe I will be healthy!  I know sometimes I sound like an emotional crazy person ( and i'm pretty sure I am lol ) but  I do want you to know that you are a huge inspiration and I read everyone of your posts, So thanks for being here!  Estelle Edit: I forgot to tell ya I may be going  to Vegas in May my father in law called and asked if we would go with him!   what was I going to say?  NO?   lol
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/08 6:08 am - San Antonio, TX
I have that problem currently - I still feel like the largest person in a room.  It was very strange to realize that I now weigh less than my best friend.  We were in her car and I noticed I sit a lot lower and my thighs are smaller than hers now.  To me, I still look larger unless I compare body part to body part like that.  She's always been large too but I used to think I would be so happy to just lose down to her size.  Now I have, but my brain doesn't register it.  I'm sure this will continue for some time.  I've had to ask my husband several times to point out people who are about the same size as me in stores and restaurants so I have some idea - and the other day I was surprised when I saw my reflection in a window - that's not my butt, my butt is so much bigger than that!  Its surreal.  Great wow moment, and good realization! 
Lori A.
on 4/1/08 12:22 am - West Bath, ME
Hey Kellie,   what a great Aha! moment... I've got to confess that I read your posts and that you are one of my OH hero's. When i am feeling unmotivated i read one of your gym posts, when i don't know what to eat, i read one of your food posts. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me. ~Lori
Starting Weight: 303
Current Weight: 150
Goal Weight: 110
You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance. -Lee Iacocca
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/08 1:00 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Thank you, Lori.  I am humbled to know that my experiences and ramblings are helpful to others.  I hope I can continue to inspire you; I know that the other folks here at OH inspire me and help me keep going when I know I could not do it on my own -  Kellie
on 4/1/08 1:45 am - CO
Wow, is right!  I've never been a tortoise, always a hare (it's a Sagittarian thing), so I am struggling with embracing the concept of "slow and steady."  I identify highly with Veruca Salt ("I want it NOW!"). The rowing machine at Bally's keeps winking at me.  Next time I have a "good" day where I think my knees will actually bend more than a centimeter, I just might try it.  It looks like great fun. Thanks for sharing this story, it is encouraging! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 4/1/08 2:02 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I'm right there with you as a fellow hare - there's some old heavy metal song with lyrics "I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it NOW...."  That's me, always has been, always will be my immediate, gut-instinct response.  But I know I need to work on slowing down, being more mindful, and finding my "Zen," so I work on it.  But I still want it NOW :-)   My knees do okay with the rowing machine - I started off doing 5-6 minutes at a time, and have worked my way up to 30-40 minutes sometimes.  One of the things I like about rowing is that I can do it with my eyes closed; once I get going, I close my eyes and visualize myself on the water, instead of in the sweaty, smelly gym.  And the rowing machine has a fan mechanism, so I pretend I'm actually feeling the breeze blow across the water.  It's a good way for me to find a little Zen while still getting my heart rate up there.  Let me know if you try it and what you think!   Here's some info on rowing from Concept 2 (company that makes rowing machines): Getting started: Muscles used while rowing: d.asp
on 4/1/08 5:29 am - fort wayne, IN
that's a cool wow moment! when i meet new people, it's hard for me to get a handle on the thought that they can't tell just by looking at me that i used to weigh nearly 3 times what i weigh now! i'm still asking my co-workers all the time "is my butt bigger or smaller than hers" when someone walks by us...i just can't seem to see myself as i look now...still living in the past in my mind, i guess.
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/08 5:32 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
In my mind's eye, I always see myself as bigger than the people around me.  It usually catches me when I'm chatting with someone at the gym and happen to glance in the ever-present mirrors.  When I see myself standing next to someone who I think is a "normal" size and I look a lot like they do, I'm always stunned and amazed...  I wonder if my brain will ever catch up with my body???
(deactivated member)
on 4/1/08 7:05 am - Cleveland Heights, OH

Surreal is a great word for it...  I've even looked at pictures of myself and not recognized me.  Very strange.  I hope that my brain catches up with my body soon.  Then I'll confound it by having plastic surgery to remove my excess skin, and then I really won't recognize myself....   It's definitely an interesting journey, isn't it??? Kellie

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