Gym is Closed

on 3/31/08 3:34 pm - CO
April Fools! The gym is open!  I'm going to try a new aqua fitness class this afternoon, and will go early so I can do in-line skating machine for 30 minutes. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 3/31/08 8:18 pm - somewhere
LOL, girl you better not quit on us! I did 45 mins on the Dreadmill at +7 incline and 3.0 mph.... sometimes I feel bad when it's time to get off, but most of the time it's a tired but happy kind of thing.....

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 4/1/08 2:54 pm - CO
Well, if I exercised as early as you do, I'd feel very tired and barely happy!  Good job on the dreadmill, that's a lot o'walking. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 3/31/08 10:44 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

Funny, Kix!!!  I'm going to do yoga again at lunch today - hopefully I'll be a little more coordinated than I was last week.  After work, I'll do 60 minutes of cardio - probably 40 minutes on the elliptical then 20 minutes on the rowing machine.   Let us know how the new aqua fitness class works out -  Kellie

on 4/1/08 2:55 pm - CO
I tried elliptical today for 40 calories.  I could have gone a bit longer, I think, but I was generally out of sorts exercising in the late afternoon.  No rowing machine at this rec center, so nothing was winking at me, when I go to Bally's tomorrow, I'm sure it will flirt like a cheap date.  The particular elliptical I used at the rec center was much smoother than some I've tried. How was yoga? Kix



on 4/1/08 6:54 am - Toronto, Canada


feeling a bit bowel tender. i know TMI! mostly rested today.  

starting BMI 60.8+

lost 126 lbs since November 10th and still dropping...Surgery Dec. 10th

BMI currently 42.2




on 4/1/08 2:56 pm - CO
Ouch!  I hope you rested up and will feel more like yourself tomorrow! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 4/1/08 7:38 am - San Antonio, TX
I plan to do the same workout I did last night EXCEPT I want to go ahead and burn 300 calories.  So I'll do as much as it takes to get there with treadmill and/or bike.  Maybe I'll even brave 5 minutes on the elliptical.  We went to the pool after but it was kind of dirty (we had a dirt storm about a week ago that covered the whole city in mud) - the hot tub was cleaner so I just sat in there.  Didn't swim any laps.  2 of my 3 bathing suits are way too huge now - the other one, a 26, fits ok but its kind of a sexy halter number that isn't conducive to serious swimming anyway.  Its probably a good thing I didn't swim laps, I might have popped out. 
on 4/1/08 3:00 pm - CO
I bought a suit from Junonia (on sale for $16) that's a tank suit.  However, the arms are cut low and my deflated floppy boobies pop right out the arm holes!    I wear a white t-shirt when I'm in the pool, which also keeps Hoppy and Bob, the flying arm fat, from smacking me in the face and potentially harming a pool mate. Did you make it to 300 calories today?  I tried to do 340 but couldn't wrap my mind around it and only made it to 240.  40 of those calories were on the elliptical, I'm so proud!   Wally's has swimsuits now, I'll bet you can find one there that will work without having to spend too much money. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 4/1/08 3:55 pm - San Antonio, TX
I did get 300 cal in - 320 actually.  I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 10 on the bike.  I did the heart rate monitor program on the treadmill and it had me at 135bpm - it was wayyyyy too easy.  It kept turning my speed back down to 2.2-2.4 and I kept turning it back up.  Not going to do that one again.  I had a suit Junonia - the armholes were too big and the torso was much too long.  I gave it to someone on OH with some of my other clothes.  I hope she uses it because I paid full price and used it maybe 3 times.  I will be looking for cheap suits this year because I don't want to shrink out of a $50 or $100 suit before I get any good use out of it. 
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