New driver's license today
I did it just for the current picture much thinner and it came out cute. The clerk commented on how much I had changed. Now tell me why I shaved ten pounds off my weight on the application when they don't even put it on the license? Silly me. Loris
Loris 344/119@ 5'2" Below Goal
Lower body lift 10/17/2007
Upper body lift 1/23/2008
Loris, I'm impressed you are still losing weight three years out! What is your secret?
When I lived in Hawaii in the early 80s, they actually weighed you at the Motor Vehicles office! So much for lying about one's weight. They had a big freight scale, so you couldn't back out by saying you were too fat for the scale. I'm pretty sure they don't do that any more.
I was already thinnner when I finally went to get my CO license. They didn't confiscate my CA license, so I look at it and see my roly-poly face (which wasn't even when I was at my fattest, because CA renews by mail and the picture was easily ten years old) and marvel at how my appearance has changed.
Isn't it fun when people react to the weight loss?