4 Months Out

Jeanine F.
on 3/28/08 2:45 am - Clifton Park, NY
I can't believe 4 months have passed already!  But.....I had my check up with my surgeon on Wed. and I am down 90 lbs (heading for that Century Club!  ) and my previous BMI of 57.7 is now 38 so I am headed in the right direction.  I will update some photos next week.  I am wearing a size 16 dress pant and my zip & button jeans are a loose 18.  Its nice to experience the progress, but like others have mentioned, I also fear that the weight will stop coming off before I reach goal. I am just doing what I need to every single day and putting the rest in God's hands.  I haven't had any major cravings yet, buut I can't seem to shake the need for a snack around 9pm....so I am trying to make healthy choices.  I had bloodwork done (waiting for results)...my hair is thinning...how much longer does that go on?? I've noticed it for about 5 weeks now. I am diligent about protein intake too. My MD ordered an EKG for me..yet I have no reason why. He had already left the room when the nurse handed me the slip to get that done with my bloodwork.  Has anyone else had to have that at 4 months out & if so....why?  Thanks for all your friendhip and support here....you are all awesome! BIG HUGS   Jeanine


(deactivated member)
on 3/28/08 2:52 am - San Antonio, TX
No ekg here, I was so thoroughly tested in the heart department beforehand that I think they can be reasonably sure my ticker is ticking.  He may have heard a little murmer or funny sound when he was listening to your heart.  I wouldn't worry but I would call and ask WHY he ordered it.  My hairloss lasted about 3 months - it started 3 months out and was heaviest about 6-8 weeks after that, then it tapered off.  Its growing back now and sticks up in little spikes like a halo (I figure that's because I deserve a halo ) Congrats on the 90lbs!! Huggin you right back, Jenn
Jeanine F.
on 3/28/08 10:16 pm - Clifton Park, NY
Oh gosh yes...you DO deserve that halo! LOL  The doc never listened to my heart that appt. The nurse took my blood pressure but when I asked her how it was she just said it was good.  I had the pre-surgical EKG & it came back abnormal...got me all crazy & worried, sent me to a Cardiologist and had an Echocardiagram for NOTHING. Seems the tech didn't properly place the leads because of big boobs...so I don't want to go thru all that again and incur big co-pays for the same results.  I will call on Monday & ask why.  Do you take Biotin for your hair??  I was also wondering if hair coloring makes it worse....but geez Louise I don't want darker roots or gray showing!  LOL Vanity...isn't it something!    HUGS  Jeanine


(deactivated member)
on 3/29/08 3:52 am - San Antonio, TX
I didn't take anything extra for my hair - the BA multi has biotin and zinc in it, and I think I've only missed my 60g of protein once or twice since about 4 weeks out - before that I had a hard time, like most.  I think the protein is most important.  I don't think coloring makes it worse, its gonna fall out until its done falling out - everything that is falling out should already have new hair growing in under your scalp in the same follicles - it just takes a while to see sprouts.  I'm sure extra biotin and zinc don't hurt, but I wasn't willing to spend more $$ and take yet another pill when my multi has decent values for both.  I got my last round of highlights right toward the end of when it was falling out, and I don't think it made any difference. 
Jeanine F.
on 3/29/08 10:46 pm - Clifton Park, NY
As always...thanks so much for your invaluable input!!  HUGS  Jeanine


on 3/28/08 3:43 am - fort wayne, IN
hey jeanine you are doing GREAT! congratulations to you! i don't know what the ekg for you means either...i've not had to have one of those as part of my labs.  unfortunately for me, my hair has never returned to normal. i don't think as much comes out anymore, but it certainly isn't growing back either. perhaps that's an issue with my age too. (51) i, too have that "bedtime snack" urge. i have a protein drink - i'm crazy about the advantage cafe caramel shakes. it's kind of like drinking melted ice cream -- at least in MY mind! again, congrats! deb
Jeanine F.
on 3/28/08 10:10 pm - Clifton Park, NY
Sounds yummy!  Where can I get those???  Yeah...I'm 55 so maybe the hair just isn't gonna flourish. If thats all I have to give up to be a healthy weight....I won't complain! LOL  Thanks for the good advice!  HUGS  Jeanine


on 4/1/08 12:25 am - fort wayne, IN
here's the link to where i order the drinks: http://register.eas.com/OA_HTML/ibeCCtpItmDspRte.jsp?a=b&ite m=6814
Jeanine F.
on 4/1/08 2:24 am - Clifton Park, NY
Thanks Deb...I'll give these a try.  I'm going to try to find them locally so I don't have to spend almost $50 on a whole case (just in case I don't like them!) I appreciate the info.  HUGS  Jeanine


(deactivated member)
on 3/28/08 4:05 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
'Atta girl, Jeanine!  You'll be in the Century Club before you know it!!!  I look forward to seeing your new photos - bet you look fab-u-lous Kellie
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