Boy do I want to EAT HELP

Stephanie B.
on 3/27/08 11:15 am - Chattanooga, TN

I have had a pretty good eating day today and I am with in my calorie range for the day....but after my dinner tonight my brain was still hungry and I felt like I was starving (which of course I was not).  I had grilled chicken and salad with Italian dressing(the salad was mixed greens like spinach and romaine lettuce), 2 cherry tomatos, and broccoli.  And then I had a few grapes, 2 pineapple pieces, and 2 mandarin oranges from a frozen fruit thingy....and just as I am typing this I am thinking it had way too much sugar in it..I was at a awards program for the end of my 12 week work out course and assumed they would not give out high sugar but I bet they did not even think of that.... but anyway...I got my protein and veggies in so I dont know why I feel such a strong desire to continue to eat 2 hours later.  I feel like grazing and I know that is not the answer.  I am drinking water, chewing sugar free gum....and still want to EAT.  What do you do to help you in times like these???  Thanks

(deactivated member)
on 3/27/08 11:33 am - San Antonio, TX
Hmmm, if its head hunger then water and time usually takes care of it for me.  If its physical hunger I eat something and healthy.  Fruit and veggies are good choices, but something with a little protein like half an apple with peanut butter, string cheese, cold cuts, a glass of milk or a protein shake is usually more satisfying to me long term.  Optimally if I have it around I'll eat some dense protein like leftover chicken because it sticks around longer and fills me up better.  My opinion, and this is just how I roll, is that if I feel hungry its one of three things - thirst (very likely), head hunger (fairly likely) or real honest to goodness hunger.  I test them out in order.  If I want food when I really shouldn't, I start by drinking about 20oz of water and wait 20-30 minutes.  Honestly that usually fixes it, but if hunger still nags I wait another 20-30 minutes while doing something that occupies my mind, like online scrabble or a book.  If I am still hungry, and especially if I am even hungrier, then its probably not head hunger, its physical.  Then I listen to my body and eat something.  The sugar from the fruit might have set you to wanting something, or you may really just need to eat a little more today.  Everyone has hungry days. 
Stephanie B.
on 3/27/08 11:59 am - Chattanooga, TN
I drank water and I think it was just had hunger....I have now had over 100 oz of water today...I will be up all night!   Thanks for the good tips...

Jeanine F.
on 3/28/08 2:34 am - Clifton Park, NY
I agree with Jenn...dense protein is the answer.  Are you water loading before a meal?  If you drink too soon after a meal it will wash away the protein and make you hungry sooner.  What were you doing at the time? TV commercials are so maddening...its all about food it seems. I mute them and walk around to avoid seeing them.  I also agree that some days we are more hungry than others. A nice protein smoothie helps alot. Take care and stay strong!  HUGS  Jeanine


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