Post Op new to BMI over 50
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome to the BMI over 50 board. As soon as I can find some swim bike shorts I will be using the pool. I love the water just way self conscious of myself & a little worried about the dropfoot on my right foot. But my coach at the YMCA and that one guy who told me the pool would be better for me says they will be able to help me into the pool. So I'm guessing they have ways to get me in & out of the pool. Oh man I can't wait. As for eating. I've noticed I'm eating more that I exercise. I've made switches to SLim Fast PRotein drinks & Protein bars, sugar free jello. Always start lunch & dinner with a bowl of salad. Need my greens for my Iron levels ... I'm trying to do what I need to do to lose weight again. Money's an issue this month. I've been helping my family out, but now we're all in a hole. So we're all going on a budget diet too LOL Just some things money was thrown away on unecessarily & it's really put us all through a stressful time lately. I went to the YNCA today & plan on going tomorrow afternoon. Thank you all for your tips and help! It's really helpful to me. I've also been checking out online info about the Duodenal Switch ... just in case. Pays to be educated. Hope you all have a good weekend. Marilyn NuStep TRS 4000 Stepper
Visit Date Time Distance Ave Speed Calories
3/29/2008 0:09:50 2,004.0 Steps 12,231.9 Steps/hr 263 3/29/2008 0:40:57 10,000.0 Steps 14,652.0 Steps/hr 1,093 3/29/2008 0:42:50 10,000.0 Steps 14,008.9 Steps/hr 1,143 3/27/2008 0:45:31 8,305.0 Steps 10,949.2 Steps/hr 1,215 3/27/2008 0:47:47 10,000.0 Steps 12,554.9 Steps/hr 1,276 3/26/2008 0:07:37 1,008.0 Steps 7,947.4 Steps/hr 191 3/26/2008 0:57:35 10,000.0 Steps 10,420.3 Steps/hr 1,552 3/24/2008 0:04:17 208.0 Steps 2,915.9 Steps/hr 109 3/24/2008 1:00:00 10,000.0 Steps 10,000.0 Steps/hr 1,633 TOTALS 5:16:23 61,525.0 Steps 10,631.2 Steps /hr 8,475