Wish Me Luck!
I'm off to the "far" side of town to deliver my resume for the health department job that is tailor-made for me. I'm hoping they don't toss my resume unread because my degrees are not in public health.
I also have to cram in my errands and treadmill work before aquacise tonight, ugh.
Wish me luck (with the job application, that is!)
You will do great I know it.... I am rooting for ya....
I have to tell you, we just had a position open up in our office, so I interviewed potential canidates for 2 days... it is slim pickings out there..at least here in Northern California.. I can't believe some of the things people will say while interviewing for a job. "I would stay here alittle while I get some experience then move on to a better position somewhere else" we had someone actually say this to us. So you go get them...I will be thinking about you today