Gym is Open (Thursday 3/6)

on 3/5/08 2:02 pm - CO
We're creeping toward the end of the week, so let's get out there and move those bodies! What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 3/5/08 8:26 pm, edited 3/5/08 8:28 pm - somewhere
Good Morning Kix! I gave the elliptical a break and did 30 mins on the Dreadmill at +7 incline.... wooot! PS  I wish you'd keep the dang snow in Colorado where it belongs, we're supposed to get another 3 inches tonight... LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 3/6/08 2:34 pm - CO
I saw pictures of your snowstorm on NBC Nightly News.  I have to say, I didn't know Texas was prone to snow, I thought your winter weather was mostly ice storms. Sounds like your exercise is back to normal.  How is your healing progressing? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 3/6/08 4:48 am - Cleveland Heights, OH

Sigh, no gym for me today.  Had vacation-related errands to run at lunch, and need to go home after work so I can do a couple loads of laundry and finish packing.  Probably no gym time tomorrow either, although I will walk a lot at the airport.   I bought a set of resistance bands to take with me on vacation.  They came with a DVD, so I'm planning to learn how to use them while I'm on vacation.  There is a "gym" available at our timeshare, but I think it's just a few pieces of cardio equipment.  So hopefully the resistance bands will allow me to continue with some of my strength training efforts.   Keep the light on for me while I'm gone!  I'll post an update on my activity when I get back from vacation -  Kellie

on 3/6/08 2:35 pm - CO
Have a wonderful vacation, and think of me every time you throw money in the slot machines! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 3/6/08 10:29 am
today was suppose to be my day off but since I missed Monday, I decided to squeeze one in this morning. I have to be at school at 7:30am but my gym doesn't open until 5:30 which doesn't work if I want to make it to school in time. But I totally forgot about the gym at school -heck I paid for it, so i took advantage of it today. Not the best equipment, but it worked. I only had 45 minutes, so I did 3 miles on the treadmill. The best part, I ran it at 5.5 mph! I never fail to be amazed at my bodies ability to get fitter. I sometimes think that I can't push myself any further and then something happens and I'm always surprised. I still have doubts that I can make it to 6.0 mph, but then I remind myself of all I've done and think "why not?" I'm exhausted and going to bed really early tonight. Have a great night everyone
on 3/6/08 2:38 pm - CO
Wow, you amaze me every time you post your activity -- your levels seem to be increasing at really fast rates!  It's pretty exciting. I tried the running/walking thing on the treadmill today, but I'm either uncoordinated or my knees are too far gone, because it didn't work.  Maybe the incline was too high, I'll have to try again tomorrow. If I exercised at 5:30 AM, my day would be over by 6 AM.  Have you always been a morning person (my sister is, her favorite time of day is 6 AM), or did this just happen post-op? When do you leave for Moab? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 3/6/08 10:45 pm
You'll get there too, although think of how far you have come! remember just a year ago when you couldn't do much at all without your blobby causing problems? It's pretty amazing to look back. I know when I first started the running/walking thing my back was sore (especially my glutes - my right one use to kill me when I ran!) But, I don't have knee problems so that could make the difference for me. I don't know how I am lucky enough to not have knee problems since I was heavy for so long. When i first did the running/walking, I did it without an incline. It hasn't been until recently that I've added the incline, it was just too hard. Try it without and see if that works, it might make a difference. I've NEVER been a morning person, it just happened since surgery. I've always preferred to workout in the morning just not this early. But I naturally wake up at 4:30 now, which is just weird for me. I love it though, fewer people at the gym and it's so quiet and peaceful. It's a great way to start the day. I leave for Moab next Thursday! I can't believe it's this close. I'll be staying with some friends in Rifle that night, then driving to Moab the next morning for our first day, which will be mountain biking. I am counting the hours
estelle S.
on 3/6/08 10:49 am - Brant Lake, NY

Well KIxy my dear , we are getting yet another storm I just heard on the friggin news!!!  I'm thinking Colorado and NY have the same weather lol  I have been alternating tredmill and elliptical and have been pushing the limit for 2 mins at a time then slowing down for 2 mins and back again I think its really starting to work............for endurance anyway. The scale on the other hand does not seem to like me. I finaly broke down and got the digital one and weighed in at 4 lbs more than I did on my old one. So i'm working like a dog trying to get the new one to say what the old one already said ! ugh I don't know which is more right but I wanted the digital for a long time so i'm keeping it and taking it like a big so today I did 35 mins on the elliptical alternating froma low of  140 to a high of between 150 &165 holding high for 2 mins.



on 3/6/08 2:40 pm - CO
My "official" weight is what the scale says at my WLS support group.  It happens to be 2 lbs less than my scale at home, so I subtract the 2 lbs and call it good.   I tried weighing myself at the gym one day and I was 10 lb fatter than I was at home!  WTF?!?!?!?! I vowed I would never get on the gym scale again.  That's just silly.  I'm a firm believer in Dunny's theory that they crank the scales up higher to sell more gym memberships. Are you enjoying the exercise? Kix



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