What Has Changed???
1. I no longer take meds for diabetes.
2. I can buy clothes at a "Normal" store.
3. I love myself and feel better about myself way more than before.
4. I can ride on amusement park rides or sit in airplanes seats with no fear in not fitting.
5. I can climb up on chairs to get things off high shelves or even sit on the ground and get up on my own, without a crane to help left me.
I've now lost 197 pounds in 19 months.
Way to go Jan! I am also looking forward to our annual block carnival that I go with my kids & grandkids to every May. This year Grandma is gonna kick some butt on the bumper cars cuz I'll actually be able to ride them!! WOOhoooooooooo. I hear ya Jan....we moved in Sept of last year and I was barely any use to anyone. I had to sit down after each short task and I sure was huffin & puffin. It was darn embarrassing!!! Those are awesome numbers...very good! HUGS Jeanine
WOW Great Post, I can relate to everything on everyone else's list,
1. No more Blood Pressure Meds...All my health issues resolved.
2. Looking forward to my future, planning trips,partys, seeing family and friends, not avoiding them as before. I always had an excuse why I couldn't go somewhere.
3. Self Esteem.. my friend at work just told me this morning how much more confident I seem.
I no longer just accept what is given to me..I expect more (I have received more raises and bonus' since my weightloss.)
4. Being able to dress nice..My downfall has been shopping. The girls at work give me a bad time because I come in wearing new clothes all the time. I enjoy actually having a wardrobe. Not the same pair of huge jeans..that are threadbear..because I can't find any others that fit
5. Being intimate with my Husband. We have been married 18 years, and we are like newlyweds again. ( I guess I should have made this #1)
Total weight loss 280lbs
(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 7:18 am - San Antonio, TX
on 3/5/08 7:18 am - San Antonio, TX
I'm the opposite completely - I have NO sex drive since surgery and I feel like an alien in my own body. I don't feel sexy. Instead of soft full curves I've got sags, bags, stretch marks, and cellulite. I dread having to tell my husband no so much. It sucks. Nothing has gotten my engine revving. I hope this subsides soon because its harming my marriage.
Bunny... I know what you mean about the sags, and bags, I can't stand them either, but my DH is great about telling me he loves them...infact he is very against me getting plastics..He says I am fine the way I am... Just remember your husband loves you no matter how you look..full or floppy.... be grateful for that and "give him some girl" Lynn
(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 7:27 am - San Antonio, TX
on 3/5/08 7:27 am - San Antonio, TX
Well, its really not the sags and bags that are killing the sex drive. They aren't helping, I don't like how I look naked, but that's never been an issue between us. I just have no desire. In fact, I find the entire process moderately gross. Nothing turns me on - I've tried a lot of things, believe me, and frankly giving him so girl requires a bucket of lube and some seriously clenched teeth on my side of things because it hurts. And its not him, because its not like I find anyone else attractive and just don't want to have sex with him. I don't find anyone attractive, I don't get randomly turned on like I used to. Even just kissing sort of turns me off. Anyway, its likely just hormones. I am probably going to have my testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone levels taken soon.
Dunny...I'm a nurse and I worked for an OB/GYN practice for a long time. It is your testosterone levels. I had mine checked and the numbers were practically zero! I got some injections which helped. There is also a new lubricant that you only need to insert once every 7 days. Make a trip to your Gyno MD. Its such a big part of marriage and if it can be helped, you both benefit. Hope you resolve this. HUGS Jeanine