Gym is Open (Wednesday 3/5)

on 3/4/08 2:19 pm - CO
The gym is open!  Climb over that hump and bump your stuff! What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 3/4/08 8:47 pm - somewhere
After taking a snow day off from the gym/work yesterday I was back in the saddle this morning..... 20 mins Elliptical 10 mins arm free weights This dang weather is nuts... 78 on Sunday, 31 and snow Monday, and back in the mid 60's yesterday and today.... roflmao......

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 3/4/08 11:28 pm - CO
Well, I woke up this morning to six inches of snow and it's still snowing.  Ugh.  My sister said she slid all the way to work, and her car has 4-wheel drive.  Unless they come plow the road, I'm probably stuck at home today. At least I'll get my exercise shoveling snow. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 12:54 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hi, Kix.  Have fun shoveling - we had our share of snow this morning, but I think it's supposed to stop and clear up later today.  I hope so, because the roads were a mess this morning - the plows had definitely not been out...   Today's my last 2-a-day for a while, as I leave for vacation Friday.  But for today, I'm going to do upper body strength training and core work at lunch, then 60 minutes of cardio after work.   I'm planning to work out some while I'm on vacation, but I won't be doing 2-a-days!  We're going to Vegas, so I'm sure I'll do lots of walking.  I'm just looking forward to the warmer, drier weather!!!!   Have a great day -  Kellie
on 3/5/08 1:29 pm - CO

Day after tomorrow!  Are you beyond excited? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 9:53 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
I am super excited, but overwhelmed with all the stuff I've got to get done before we actually leave.  I always have a bit of panic a couple days before we leave, but somehow everything always gets done.   I'm really looking forward to not needing to wear a down coat and heavy gloves!!!   Kellie
(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 9:22 am - San Antonio, TX
I am in my office and I was cold so I just did 40 squats.  Trying to build some booty muscle so my tailbone can get relief. 
on 3/5/08 1:30 pm - CO
Squats?!  40 squats?!   One squat and I'd be crying for mercy.  Way to go! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 1:34 pm - San Antonio, TX
Well, I did 4 sets of 10, with a minute or two between them :)  I also walked about 8 times tonight - every hour I took 10 minutes and walked around.  Sometimes it was a slow stiff pace and sometimes it was a fast smooth pace, but either way I'm pretty sure I would have fallen asleep if I hadn't gotten up. My job is so boring.
estelle S.
on 3/5/08 11:19 am - Brant Lake, NY
Thats exactly what My DH said to me this Morning!!!!!  HAHAHA  Did I say that??? lol Anyway This exercising everyday hurts you know!!!  I'm still recovering from my hour on the tredmill on Monday ,  My legs are like rubber so I only did 35 mins I alternated from 3.3 to 4.4 I mostly stayed on 3.3 and worked my way up to 4.4 longest I could hold 4.4 was for 2 mins,  Ya know before my surgery I had to do a stress test and the cardiologist was a really nice young DR who assured me that I was going to do very well with my surgery and was sure I was heart healthy but to double check and get a sono of my heart, reasuring?? NOT!!! anyway the test was fine but when I did that stress test I could only do the tredmill for 4 mins!!!! all he asked for was 6 mins of walking at a regular pace. I couldnt do it :(   My heart rate over 182 after 4 mins of walking think I was out of shape??   I guess My point is this whole ride is pretty amazing!!!    Thanks!  Estelle
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