Gym is Open (Tuesday 3/4)

on 3/3/08 2:11 pm - CO
The gym is open!  Commence moving! What did you do to move your body today? Kix



on 3/4/08 12:33 am - Colorado Springs, CO
I'm hitting the pool to swim laps around 3:00 and then around the corner to do my 'issues & tissues' session at my counselor's office. I'm finding that adding some serious lap swimming to my routine is helping A LOT.  I'll still hit the water class 1 - 2 times a week, but I really want to concentrate on swimming laps for right now. The water classes are held at the downtown YMCA at 5:30 - I get off work at 3:00.  Why am I driving back downtown (20 to 30 minute drive) to go to this water class when I could just go to a nearby Y, swim laps and be all DONE and home by 4:30??
on 3/4/08 1:52 pm - CO
I didn't think the downtown Y had a pool, so I learned something new today.  Have you given us an answer to your question?  I'm curious, too! Kix



on 3/4/08 9:58 pm - Colorado Springs, CO
Why do I drive about an hour round-trip to a water class held downtown?  Hmmmm... Cause I'm an idiot!?!?!? LOL  No really, I just haven't thought about the time I let things eat up, like driving, like meetings that I think I HAVE to be at, etc. more.  If it ain't working out for me, I'm not doing it! Jana
(deactivated member)
on 3/4/08 4:09 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I commenced myself down to the gym at lunch time and did my lower body strength training routine.  I did not have time to do core work at lunch, so plan to do 15-20 minutes of core work and 45-60 minutes of cardio after work.   Move it, move it, move it -  Kellie
on 3/4/08 1:56 pm - CO
Not that it's any of my business or anything, but did you get out to vote today?  Our local afternoon news radio hostess couldn't pronounce "Cuyahoga County" to save her life.  Now, how hard is that to pronounce?  The co-host, who played for the Cleveland Browns years ago, had to correct her.  Thing is, I used to listen to this woman when she was on KCBS radio in San Francisco, and she appeared then to have some basic intellect.  I guess something happened on the drive from CA to CO and her brain melted. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 3/4/08 4:24 am
My strength class was this morning, so an hour of torture was my morning. The class wasn't until 6am, so I got to the gym at 5:30 and rode the cycle for about 20 minutes. Boy, do I need to do that more often! My legs were tired before the class even began. And then she concentrated on legs... as Kix would say "Oy Vay!" After my class this morning I went to REI to buy the rest of my gear for camp - cycling shorts and gloves. I'm all set!  I thought trying on swimsuits was humiliating but cycling shorts were much worse. Good grief, can they make them any tighter? Talk about unforgiving. I did find some that were very comfortable and had padding in all the right places. Only 9 more days and I'll be able to try them out! Have a good one my friends
(deactivated member)
on 3/4/08 4:52 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hey, PJ, does REI carry any athletic/duffel bags w/ messenger-style straps?  I need a new bag and want a messenger-style bag, but haven't had any luck finding one.  A friend of mine in Seattle has one and I thought hers came from REI, but I didn't see anything on their website.  If you have a few minutes the next time you're at REI, would you mind looking for me?  If they have something, can you get me the model name and/or number?   I'm excited about your upcoming adventure camp!  I can't wait to hear about your experience and live vicariously through your adventure!!!  Glad you found some comfortable cycling shorts - some of the folks that spin at my gym wear them and boy, they do look snug.  I'd just marshmallow over the top and out the bottom!!!!  Anyway, glad you found something that'll work - hopefully they'll keep your tush from getting too sore while you ride -  Kellie
(deactivated member)
on 3/4/08 7:34 am
My purse is like that and I got it at REI. I know I have seen computer packs and purses with the messenger straps but I can't recall a duffel bag. I'll be down there Friday night and I'll take a look. That's my favorite section to look (and drool) The reality of the camp is just dawning on me and I'm getting super excited! I actually started a blog to document everything and I'll be posting everyday I'm there. It's at .  It's been kind of fun writing it, a good way to track my exercise as well. Hope it's not too boring!
on 3/4/08 1:59 pm - CO
Oh, no, that deserves more than an "Oy vey!"  That qualifies for an "Oy, gevalt!"  If I went to the gym at 5:30 AM, I'd be draped over the bike handlebars snoring by 5:55 AM.  Glad to hear you are all set for your Moab adventure, and I'm pretty sure they don't make bike shorts with enough padding to keep my bony girl behind from getting callused. Kix



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