Good morning. I'm tired, thanks. How are you?
I can't believe its already Monday again. My weekend was so busy I don't feel like I had a weekend. I want some more SLEEP!! Today I plan to detox from my bad choices yesterday. No more chocolate. I am still having honey in my milk/tea drink though. I don't seem to dump off honey - or the amount I use for flavoring at least, and I found a really nice varietal (acacia honey) that is pale, very thin, less sticky sweet, and absolutely delicious. It has a very subtle vanilla flavor that totally comes out with the chai. Oddly enough, it really seems to bring out the black pepper in the chai more too, which makes the drink I've been making for years suddenly taste new. Yummy.
I don't know if you know (or care) but honey has a lot of interesting properties - micronutrients, phytonutrients, anti-bacterial properties, unusual anti-oxidants (look for dark strong flavored honeys like buckwheat honey for those - buckwheat honey is an experience, it almost tastes like molasses). Its also hygroscopic so it makes your baked goods stay softer, and its sweeter per volume, so you don't have to use as much honey as you would use refined sugar in a recipe. Anyway, I've always liked my honey. My paternal grandparents were farmers in NM as a side project (grandpa worked for GE for his entire life and grandma was a housewife/farmer until she died when I was 5) - mainly to feed the family, but they grew a lot of everything and canned, etc. They slaughtered their own animals (chickens, turkeys and pigs, no cows), and virtually everything my grandmother made was from scratch. She didn't go so far as to churn her own butter or mill her own flour, but nearly anything else was from the farm - we had fresh eggs and goat milk every day. I loved the summers I spent there and although I am not in contact with that side of the family any longer, I would LOVE to get hold of some of her recipes, which she passed down to my aunt. The point of that digression is that grandfather also kept bees - 2 hives, and I used to chew on honeycomb while I wandered around the property as a kid - I spent a month or two there every summer and then Thanksgiving usually, and Christmas sometimes, until I was 12. My two cousins and I were allowed one spoonful of honey every night with our bread. Fresh bread and fresh honey, I soooo miss that. Ever since, I've been interested in trying all kinds of different honeys, looking for something that comes close to the ones I remember. I think its a regional thing because the ones I've tasted from NM and the Rocky Mountains are usually all kind of similar - probably the pine pollen. They had apricot, plum, and apple trees, and then all the veggies they grew, so the bees had their pick of pollens, but I'm betting its the apricot that I am remembering because those bees LOVED the apricot tree. If I ever have a decent amount of property, I would like to keep bees maybe. I will definitely have a good garden (I inherited green thumb tendencies from both sides) but I will never slaughter my own animals, tasty as they may be. Honestly, sometimes I think part of my eating addiction comes from searching out flavors that remind me of very happy times in childhood. I didn't usually have much luck, but I ate it anyway.
So that was a long story. I am sentimental today, as opposed to semi-mental like I usually am. What are you eating today? I am considering skipping out on my pizza lunch and seminar. I will work in the evening though, and try to make very good healthy food decisions. I found this tea yesterday, a plum berry green tea. Oh yum. I'll have my share of that stuff today.