Weekend plans?

(deactivated member)
on 2/28/08 10:40 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

What's on your agenda for the weekend?  I've got errands to run Saturday, plus going to the gym, then getting my hair cut, which it desperately needs.  On Sunday, we're celebrating five birthdays in my family - my Mom, sister Tracie, niece Emilie, nephew Nathan, and niece Libby.  We'll gather at one of my sister's houses and hang out, catch up, etc.  I always enjoy spending time with my family and we don't see each other as much in the winter because of the nasty weather.   I may also bake some banana bread - one of my girlfriends came home with lots of bananas from work, so need to do something with those.  If I make banana bread, we'll each take some to work and share it with co-workers, which always makes them happy!   Also need to start putting stuff together for vacation - we leave for Vegas next Friday, and I've got a lot to get done between now and then!  I'm looking forward to some time in sin city What's on your agenda??? Kellie

(deactivated member)
on 2/28/08 10:53 pm
Four birthdays at once? I guess it's kind of nice to get them all out of the way at the same time though. Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned, I'm just excited to have one at home, it feels like a long time since I've been able to just enjoy the weekend. Saturday is supposed to be gorgeous, so I plan on spending all day outside with a trail run in the morning and a hike in the afternoon. That night I plan on renting some movies, something I haven't done in a long time, and just sitting back and enjoying a quiet evening. Sunday I will get in a long workout at the gym then see the movie "Enchanted" with some friends. It's nice and cheap at the $1 movie, my perfect price . Then I get to study that night - guess I need to add some work into my schedule too. In between all of that I plan on starting to pack - I move at the end of the month and it just dawned on my I don't have much time! Need to get by butt into gear and do something. Have a great weekend everyone!
(deactivated member)
on 2/29/08 2:15 am - Cleveland Heights, OH

Yeah, many birds, one stone.  It's too hard to try and celebrate each person's birthday separately, so we just group folks together and celebrated 3-4 times per year.  Between that and the holiday celebrations, we get together about every 6-8 weeks.   Your weekend at home sounds great to me, especially since your weather is supposed to be so nice tomorrow.  I look forward to some warm, sunny days when I can be outside.  And an evening at home with DVDs?  Delightful!   I've heard that "Enchanted" is pretty good, so I think you'll enjoy it.  And the price - $1 - is definitely right.  What are you studying at school?  How much longer until you finish?  Are you moving at the end of March?  To a new apartment?  Condo?  House?  Closer to work?  School?  Just looking for new surroundins?  Good luck getting some packing done; I tend to use moving as an opportunity to throw things out or give things away that I haven't used in a while.  Takes longer, but then I'm not hauling stuff around that I don't use.  Anyway, good luck with the packing -

Look forward to hearing about your outdoor adventures -


(deactivated member)
on 2/29/08 7:23 am
I'm moving to Colorado Springs, which is about an hour south of Denver. It means a commute but I am living with my mom for a bit which means no rent. It's been a hard transition for her being alone and I think this will be good for both of us. My lease is actually up in March and I have some friends who want to get a house together but they can't until August, so it works out really well for me timing wise. All my stuff goes into storage so I have to plan ahead. I'm good at his, I have moved A LOT over the years! I'm studying German right now, just finishing my Bachelors with this last class - I'll be done mid May!! yeah!! Then I plan on graduate school, but i don't know where yet. I'm just in a wait and see mode Have a great weekend hon - hopefully some of that snow will melt!
on 2/29/08 12:21 am - VA
Wow sounds like you have a busy weekend planned. I have my son's first soccer game tomorrow...unfortunately my oldest will miss his because he has the flu. It seems our family just can't shake this darn flu bug. Other than that not much planned...grocery shopping UGH>>>wish I didn't have to. PLEASE post some pics of Vegas I'm dying to see what it's like there. I'm not much of a gambler..when I buy lottery tickets I always get them to explain it all to me..lol they look at me like I'm from Mars! I hope everyone has a GRRRRREAT WEEKEND!! Jamie
Never Give Up!
(deactivated member)
on 2/29/08 2:15 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Soccer sounds like fun - several of my co-workers have kids who play soccer and they seem to love it.  Bummer about the oldest being sick with the flu; hopefully he'll feel better soon so he can play too.   Ah, grocery shopping - that's usually part of our weekend routine, but we're trying to finish up what we've already got before we go on vacation.  So may eat some strange meals between now and then, but at least I won't need to throw away a bunch of food....   Vegas is, well, bright and shiny, with lots of neon!  We're staying at a timeshare that's 2-3 miles off the Strip, so I'll be interested to see what the area looks like.  I've always stayed on the Strip before, but we're there for a week and I thought I'd be overwhelmed by all the Strip activity so we decided to stay some place that's a bit more out of the way.  This is my 4th or 5th trip to Vegas - it's a lot of fun and a great break from reality.  Even if you don't gamble, the people watching is great and there's lots of other things to do for entertainment - it makes a great 3-4 day getaway... Let us know how the first soccer game goes! Kellie
on 3/1/08 2:58 am - VA
Well soccer bombed out this morning. I got out of bed at 7 and showered and got us all ready to go and he was so excited and then the other team didn't show. They somehow got the times mixed up so our team won by default. We ended up at Starbucks and now I'm making some homemade potato soup for my little one(or big one I should say he's 11 and almost as tall as I am) with the flu. Jamie
Never Give Up!
on 2/29/08 12:57 am - Glendora, CA
Looking forward to a quiet weekend. Hubby is just starting to feel better  and I'd like him to take it easy this weekend. I do need to run a few errands, Trader Joes comes to mind. I'm planning on doing some cooking and baking, want to get some "healthy foods" over to my Father-in-law.  We have a Netflix movie to watch - Unaccompanied Minors The main thing I want to do is work on our computer, I got a new printer and need to get it hooked up and the puter is running so slow. I need to clean it all up and check out the start-up menu to delete some things. I'd like to get all the pictures put on CD's and delete them from the puter too. Fun, fun, fun!
I know I can, I know I can
(deactivated member)
on 2/29/08 2:22 am - Cleveland Heights, OH

A quiet weekend sounds great.  Glad your hubby is feeling better -- hopefully he'll take your advice about taking it easy.   I need to go to Trader Joe's as well, but probably won't make it this weekend.  I like to take a late lunch during the work week and go because our TJ's is crazy on the weekends; so many people it's hard to move around in the store. 

Unaccompanied Minors looked like fun - let me know what you think. 

Good luck with the computer stuff - I never get around to that stuff at home... 


on 2/29/08 3:12 am - Glendora, CA
Kellie - I so know what you mean about Trader Joe's on the weekends! I'll only go if I can get there about 8:55AM right before they open at 9:00AM, otherwise I'll wait until during the week! Have a great weekend.
I know I can, I know I can
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