Bypass? / Repost from the RNY board
UUmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm lost. What the heck are "swirly's"????? I have to start examining my poop now? LMAO Is this something we should see or should not see?? C'mon GF....spill the details here...Nobody educated me about this stuff. LOL And I don't have a gallbladder either. HUGS Jeanine
Someone on the other board called it "oil slick" I'm going out on a limb here and saying its not all that common except when we dump. But It happens to me almost everyday So I am a little confused. It Happened today and I had 31 grams of fat yesterday give or take one or 2 . Maybe i'm just eating to much fat but I duno how to eat my protein and cut back on my fat.I'm kinda at the point where i'm just going to drink my protein and eat veggies I hope I like the Kays protein drink lol
When I asked what length my bypass was they told me it was reg not a short stem I left just as confused, Plus I saw the PA in april I see Dr. Ingram so i'm gonna make a list of questions. When do you go back?
My next appt. is Mar then I'll be 4 months out. Which protein drink did you order? I got the Nectar Sweets in the Chocolate Truffle is AWESOME!! You have to mix it with milk, water makes it too bland. I use it with 4 oz skim milk in the AM and same at PM. I take my vitamins with it and it fills me so I eat less at dinner. Mix it well & its really tasty. For the lurkers...I got it on the website under protein powders. I also just ordered a canister of the Cappachino flavor but haven't tried it yet. I will tomorrow. I have never dumped so maybe thats why I don't know about oil slicks LOL. Why do I need to ask the length of my bypass? HUGS JEanine
RNYers (proximal) malabsorb about 30 percent of the fat that they eat...that means some of it will come out as you poop.
If you eat more fat, more will come out. The more your surgeon bypassed (distal, DS) the more fat you are malabsorbing.
As a new post op DSer, I'd often see "oil slicks" in the bowel ...the further you get out from surgery the less you see them......(the food you eat kind of soaks it up..and they are less visible.