Gym is Open (Tuesday 2/19)

on 2/18/08 2:48 pm - CO
The gym is open. No exercise for me yesterday due to a sore foot.  I miss my gym work, but if my foot is still sore as the day goes on, I'll limit my exercise to aquacise later on. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 2/18/08 8:16 pm - somewhere

2 mins elliptical..... ugh 25 mins treadmill..... wish I could get back to my weights.....

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 2/19/08 2:41 pm - CO
Soon enough!  We don't want your ex-hernia to grow a friend! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 2/18/08 9:39 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Good job taking care of that foot, Kix.  Hopefully you'll be able to aquacise today so you can keep moving, injured foot and all.  As for me, I'm planning on a 2-a-day (strength training at lunch, cardio after work).  My lower back is a little sore -- I think from yesterday's rowing session -- so I'm going to gauge what I do based on how my back is feeling.  I'm super cautious not to overdo it with my back, as it can take weeks to fully recover if I injure it.   Good luck to everyone finding the time, energy, and motivation to move it today!!! Kellie
on 2/19/08 2:42 pm - CO
I was eyeing the rowing machine at the gym today.  I just might give it a whirl.  It doesn't look quite as low to the ground as the one at the rec center. I don't usually have back problems.  I can't imagine. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 2/18/08 10:11 pm
It was strength class today for me - lord, does it give me a good workout! I will be sore tonight! I'm not working today - instead I am heading to a job fair at school. I should be done early, so I'm hoping to get a run in this afternoon. We'll see if I can move my legs by then Take care of that foot of yours!
on 2/19/08 2:43 pm - CO
How was the job fair?  Anything promising? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 2/19/08 10:16 pm
There was some good opportunities, although most of the companies there were looking for interns, not employees. But one job was very promising and they seemed to like me. It would be with the govt. One position did intrigue me though - an Air Marshall!! I talked to them at length about what the job entailed and I was very interested. I got the guys card and he said we could meet at his office and go through more particulars. I've never been interested in law enforcement but this position seems a little different. Who knows? I was only there for about an hour, so I went home, threw on my trail runners and spent a couple of hours outside on a fav trail close to my house. The best part... I ran most of the trail! I am officially an outdoor runner, and I didn't die or crack any ribs. I now completely understand what people mean when they say how much fun it can be - I had a blast! Plus it was so nice being outside in the nice, warm sun. What a day yesterday was!
Lori A.
on 2/18/08 11:34 pm - West Bath, ME
Got up at O'dark o'clock this morning and went to the gym before I opened the shop and did 25 mins on the treadmill (a little running, a lotta walking), 28 mins on the bike and about 20 mins on the dreaded leg machines and then this afternoon I have physical therapy where I will get in my upper body stuff... hope the ouchie-grouchie foot gets better Kix! have a great day everyone! lori
Starting Weight: 303
Current Weight: 150
Goal Weight: 110
You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance. -Lee Iacocca
on 2/19/08 2:46 pm - CO
I can personally vouch that in WA state, it is quite dark at O'dark o'clock.  When I worked in Olympia, my hours were 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM four days a week (Wednesdays off), and in the winter, I'd go to work in the dark, rainy weather and go home in the dark, rainy weather. Of course, the payoff is in summer when the sun doesn't set until 9:45 PM. Kix



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