Calorie Countdown - Lets make Friday part of the weekend and give every new baby a...

(deactivated member)
on 2/15/08 2:02 am - San Antonio, TX
No, I am not focused on chocolate still.  Those are lyrics from a song called King of Spain by Moxy Fruvous.  I woke up with that in my head, and then I went back to sleep and woke up with Nixon singing Feed Your Head on Futurama.  Does anyone have any idea what I am talking about?  Doubtful.  Good news for me and my household though - I finally got lots and lots of sleep and I am in an incredibly good mood today.  Headache-free, energetic, and also happy to see the scale falling a little bit again (1 lb yesterday and another 1/2 lb today).  11 more pounds to under 300.... go body! go body!   You are a furnace!  Go body! Burn baby, burn!  (Yes I talk to my body, it likes it - I mainly talk to it right before bed.  I tell it to cooperate with my master plan to get to 175, and not to have ANY MORE COMPLICATIONS).  I am definitely thinking that the week long headache was dehydration - I drank about 150oz yesterday and finally its gone away.  I don't think 64oz comes close to what I need (I usually only pee 2-3 times per day and its dark brown even with 64oz) so I am going to do my best to aim for 100oz each day of plain water and then also whatever else I drink (milk mainly).  One of the regulars on the RNY board makes herself drink 40oz of water between each meal.  I'm going to try that - at least 30oz.  So what's on your plate today?  I'm going to clean, probably cook a late dinner for when hubby gets home - his favorite meal is something I made up myself years ago.  Want the recipe (sans pasta)?  Ingredients -     3 or 4 chicken breasts, cut in to large cubes     1 teabag black tea     1 tbsp garlic powder     3 tbsp italian seasoning     1 tsp sea salt (or any uniodized salt, kosher works well)     1 tsp black pepper     1/4c to 1/3c quality olive oil     2-3 red bell peppers, plus 1tbsp olive oil (depending on size and your preferences)     1c fresh lemon juice     1c shredded parmesan cheese (the good stuff is best, but this is one time where the cheap     dried stuff in the shaker works pretty well too) Optional (and or all)     2-3 cups steamed broccoli     1 bag penne pasta     1-2 cups grape tomatoes Instructions     Wash bell peppers, poke a few holes in them, coat with olive oil, and roast peppers (400 degrees for 30-45 minutes usually works well for me, until the peel is bubbled up and the peppers have a nice brown color in places).  Pull them out and place in a close container to cool for at least 30 minutes - longer if possible, the steam makes them easy to peel) - When I roast peppers I usually do big batches of many kinds and then freeze.  This also works on the grill and then they get a nice smoky flavor too.  Once cool,  open peppers to remove seeds and then pull off the peel (it  usually comes of easily with bell peppers).  Cut into bite-size pieces and set aside.  (Store any extra peeled, in their juice - good in the fridge for about a week or the freezer for 6 months or so).  You can also buy roasted red bell pepper but it NEVER tastes as good.      Mix italian seasoning, black tea (break open a tea bag and pour the tea in), garlic, salt,  and pepper in a cup with lemon juice.  Let it steep for 15-20 minutes.      In a NON-STICK skillet, heat olive oil and add chicken, sautee on medium.  The olive oil may seem like a lot, but it makes a sort of pan sauce - you probably don't need to use as much if you aren't serving it with pasta - and honestly I never measure anything so all of these are estimates.      Once the chicken is about half cooked, add the lemon and spice mixture to the pan and finish cooking.  Turn heat higher (medium-high on my stove) and add the cup of parmesan cheese.  Let the cheese melt and begin to brown, then add bell pepper and any bell pepper juices (unless you use the jarred stuff).  I used to pour the entire pan over pasta and let the olive oil/lemon mixture coat the pasta.  Sometimes I add grape tomatoes or steamed broccoli to the pasta also.  Tonight I will probably still make the pasta, but set some chicken aside for me and eat it with broccoli.  Add final parmesan to the top and serve.  Not exactly fat-free but mmmmm.  And it could definitely be modified with less oil and cheese, no pasta, etc.    
(deactivated member)
on 2/15/08 2:06 am - San Antonio, TX
I forgot to say I usually mix it all up with the pasta and it makes a tasty cold pasta salad the next day also.
on 2/15/08 3:46 am - Glendora, CA
Sounds yummy, thanks for posting it. Glad your feeling so much better too, helps make life so much better.
I know I can, I know I can
(deactivated member)
on 2/15/08 3:51 am - San Antonio, TX
I ordered 3 cases of Kay's naturals - that oughtta keep me for quite a while since my husband doesn't care for them :)  I got the chili cheese chips because I've had them before, then a pretzel group (haven't had before) and some of the apple cinnamon cereal (which I've also had before and like very much).  Thanks for the info! 
on 2/15/08 3:56 am - Glendora, CA
Anytime! So glad I remember to post it. The cinnamon toast pretzels are my very favorite, the new butter pretzels are good too. I also love adding the cereal to my Greek yogurt, makes it 29 grams of protein!
I know I can, I know I can
on 2/15/08 3:59 am - Glendora, CA
~ Copied and pasted from the RNY board to save me time ~ Hello everyone, hope your having a wonderful Friday. Mine started very early, I was awake at 2 AM, couldn't sleep, so I got up and got busy. I baked a loaf of pumpkin bread for hubby to take to work, made a frittata for breakfast, and finishing packed for our trip tonight. 
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Sunday is our 17th anniversary!

Pre pre B - SF NF eggnog latte

Pre B - SF NF Chai tea misto

B - Frittata w/chopped turkey breast, broccoli, bell pepper, eggs and lots of cheese.

S - 1.5 oz beef jerky

L - homemade turkey meatball soup, 3 RF triscuits, string cheese

S - banana, fruit biscuits

D - no clue, it'll be something at the airport, I'm hoping Chili's, I'll have some Kay's Naturals and jerky with me in case I can't find anything.

S - ?

V - 1/2
W - 3/4
E - walked
I know I can, I know I can
(deactivated member)
on 2/15/08 4:47 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Recipe sounds tasty, but my girlfriends don't care for peppers, so probably wouldn't go over big at my house.  But if I'm ever in your neck of the woods, you can make it for me I'm glad you are feeling better.  Keep working on staying well hydrated!  As you now know, it really makes a difference.  Keep those kidneys happy!!!!  I'm still hanging out with Aunt Flo, so have been eating a little more than usual, but thankfully the scale seems to be holding steady.   What's on your calendar for the weekend?  My girls and I are having dinner at a Spanish restaurant Saturday, then going to see Wicked.  The restaurant has lots of fabulous seafood - I'm hoping one of the girls will share an order of paella with me!  Other than that, it's the usual weekend stuff - laundry, housework, working on taxes, etc.  May also try to squeeze in a trip to the gym on Sunday...   That's it for me - here's what was on my plate today, and my plan for the rest of the day: B - 1 c. 1% milk in my coffee, 1 packet Quaker weight control oatmeal

S #1 - 1 c. lowfat cottage cheese, 4 tbsp. SF preserves

L - 1/2 pita pocket, ~1 cup of soup (half lentil soup, half vegetarian chili, with grilled chicken on top), ~1c. fruit salad w/ ~ 1/3 c. plain yogurt, couple tablespoons of honey, and sprinkled w/ finely chopped walnuts (from a local restaurant - very tasty, and a nice break from my usual frozen lunches)

S #2 - venti non-fat latte w/ sugar-free vanilla syrup

S #3 - 1 slice whole-wheat bread, 3 slices turkey, 1 slice low-fat cheese

[workout #1 - 45-60 minutes cardio]

D - 4 oz. light kielbasa, sauerkraut, 1/2 c. glazed carrots, 1/3 c. cooked apples
S #4 - Healthy Choice fudge bar or a NSA rice pudding cup

Calories:  2207
Carbs:  320.6
Fat:  45.4
Fiber:  26.1
Protein:  148.4
Today's weight:  187.3
on 2/15/08 5:07 am - Glendora, CA
Lucky you, WICKED is amazing!!! I've seem it twice and would go again, I hope you love it!
I know I can, I know I can
(deactivated member)
on 2/15/08 5:16 am - San Antonio, TX
Well I've also made it without peppers and its quite good that way too - I just try to add veggies somewhere to everything I cook.
on 2/15/08 2:14 pm - CO
I'm not a big fan of peppers, either. Just wanted to mention that I saw Wicked last spring and it was amazing!  I see the 2008 case has changed since I saw it last year, although the couple who play Fiero and Nessarose are the same ones I saw here in Denver. One of my favorite pre-WLS recipes had kielbasa, onions, potatoes, rosemary, and olive oil all mixed together in a foil pan and cooked on the grill.  I wouldn't dare eat it now because it was certainly toot-inducing then, but yum, your mention of kielbasa brought back a happy memory. Enjoy the play!  We are also going to a play tomorrow, it's called "The Last Five Years" and is the first of our Broadway plays this season.  The next one is "My Fair Lady" (ugh).  We are also going to see Hal Holbrook in "Mark Twain" in early March.  I saw him as Mark Twain back in 1966, so I suspect he won't need much makeup now to look like Twain.  Kix



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