Gym is Open (Tuesday 2/12)

on 2/11/08 2:20 pm - CO
Happy birthday, Abe Lincoln! I'm old enough to remember when Abe's birthday was celebrated as a separate day and not lumped into Presidents' Day.  When I was in grade school (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth), we actually made a big deal of Lincoln's birthday as part of the school day. Of course, when I was fortunate enough to work in Oakland, my host agency took a bunch of holidays most people don't get (Lincoln's Birthday, Malcolm X Day, Susan B. Anthony Day).  As a federal assignee, I took whatever holidays my host agency took, so it was nirvana!  Then I transferred to WA state, where the Simon Legrees who run state gov barely give their employees the bare minimum of holidays.  But I digress. The gym is open.  I'll be doing treadmill, quads, abs, and lower body work.  It's aquacise tonight, too, so I'll get an extra bit of work in at the end of the day. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 2/11/08 8:28 pm - somewhere
I started back slow and easy... the doc says nothing but treadmill with 0 incline for at least another 2 weeks and to take it slow and easy.... sigh.... so I did 15 mins at 2.5 mph on the treadmill... I had a few weird twinges here and there but nothing anywhere near my incisions, so it's all good.....

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 2/12/08 1:12 pm - CO
Well, please be sure to take it slow and easy.  I'm pretty sure it would frighten someone should your incision open up and your mesh pop out like an old storm window screen. 15 minutes at 2.5 doesn't sound slow to me (but then, my usual treadmill speed is around 2.6). Did anyone rat you out for wearing a path in the carpet at work?  Kix



(deactivated member)
on 2/11/08 10:47 pm
It's funny, we were just talking about how presidents day is so unimportant anymore - it's just not a big deal. I remember doing lots of projects on presidents in school but it doesn't seem to be done now a days. Different priorities, I guess. I'm back to working out after taking a few days off to get over this virus thing I have. I finally felt better today and there was a new class today that I wanted to try, so I got off my butt and made it to the gym. I did an hour long strength training class, which I really enjoyed! I did pretty good, did all the advanced positions and don't feel too sore (yet).  This will be a good addition to my schedule. Have fun out there everyone! Pam
on 2/12/08 1:14 pm - CO

I noticed at the rec center tonight a big sign that says "Workout Bingo" and for $55 you can take a variety of extremely rigorous classes rather than be locked into one type of class for six weeks.  I looked at the list and I'm not ready for things like "Bosu Blast" and "Power Weights." I felt kind of UGH and BLAH today, I hope I'm not catching whatever it is that is currently rampaging through metro Denver. Glad you're feeling better! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 2/12/08 1:23 am - San Antonio, TX
I just got back from a walk - its windy outside!!  I walked for 20 minutes.  I'll be mostly parked in front of the computer again today.  I didn't even realize it was president's day.  Oh, bad news yesterday, no Breckenridge.  My funding agency said its too expensive (jerks).  Now my boss is going to make me go to Boston in July I think, and room with a coworker who I am pretty sure doesn't like me.  Fun!  Even more fun is how sad my husband is going to be that he doesn't get to sneak along because I won't have my own hotel room. 
estelle S.
on 2/12/08 11:00 am - Brant Lake, NY
Hey i'm only 4 hours from Boston, You could come visit me!   
on 2/12/08 1:18 pm - CO
Well, foxfart!  I hate stingy funding agencies.  I particularly hate stingy funding agencies who make you share rooms with co-workers.  Isn't it hard enough to travel on business without having to hear your co-worker gargle (or, God forbid, make assorted other rude noises)? I was looking forward to meeting you, too.  I guess next time I will just have to tag along with PJ when she goes down to TX to visit her assorted relatives. You could take your husband along, anyway.  Think your coworker would mind?  It's not Presidents' Day yet, it's Lincoln's Birthday (which few people celebrate anymore).  Presidents' Day is next Monday. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 2/12/08 5:46 am - Cleveland Heights, OH

Ah, I long for a job where all these "funny" holidays mean something.  In the corporate world you get six holidays - New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas - and nothing more.  Sigh......... 

As for my exercise today, I lifted weights for upper body at lunch and did some core work.  I realized I was overdoing the core work last week when my abs cried out for mercy.  (Who knew abs could talk?  Not me, but mine said "I'm not getting up from here and that's final," and who am I to argue?  Anyway, rather than doing all my core exercises every day I strength train, I'm breaking them up and just doing 1-2 core exercises each day.  My abs are now saying "thank you." 

I'm going back to the gym after work for cardio.  My knees have been sore for a couple days -- not sure if I tweaked them doing lower body work, if the compressed cartilage is bothering me, or if they are responding to the cold, cold weather.  Regardless, I'm going to take it easy with the cardio, and stick to the bike and the rowing machine for a few days.  Hopefully the soreness will ease up and I can work back in some other cardio, but better to be safe than unable to walk... 


Patty T.
on 2/12/08 11:51 am - Boalsburg, PA

Kellie, for years I was in your spot. I really resented the gov't louts who got the day off. Now that I'm one of them, I'll let you in on a secret. For most of my co-workers & me, it is a day of quiet telework for about 4 hours so as not fall behind, plus 4 hours of errands. Not nearly as much fun as I envisioned.

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