Calorie Countdown - TGIF!

(deactivated member)
on 2/8/08 1:50 am - San Antonio, TX
Hi ladies (and gentleman lurkers?  come out come out wherever you are!) Well I'm happy its Fri, even though it means I'll be stuck at the lab from 1pm to midnight.  Yippee.  I feel a little under the weather today - headache for a few days, nausea on top of it today.  Not bad enough to skip out, but bad enough to really wish I didn't have to go.  So, what's on your plate today, and what's on your plate (plans) for this coming weekend?  I plan to sleep a lot on Sat, and clean a little too.  Sun, provided the weather is as nice as it has been, we are going to the zoo so I can really put my new zoom lens through the ringer.  Plus I haven't been to the SA zoo in a long time.  I hope its better than it was when I was a kid.  If weather doesn't cooperate, we'll go to the Our Body Within exhibit and look at some corpses.  So, does that make you hungry?  
on 2/8/08 2:09 am, edited 2/8/08 2:10 am - Glendora, CA
Sounds like a fun weekend to me! I just got back to work from the chiropractors - my back is still killing me, I was able, with the help of Vicodin, to get a great nights sleep, pain free last night. The DR told me to take it for the plane flight too. We have a 6 hour red eye flight tonight. It'll be a fun time though,I'll make sure of it, back pain or not.  We're off to Florida to meet up with hubbies cousins that are vacationing there from Holland. They have rented a big 5 bedroom house with a pool, good thing I bought a new suit. Sunday my girlfriend and her son (my Godson) are driving up to have dinner with us, they haven't seen me since I lost weight. ;)  Monday we're going to Kennedy Space Center, Tuesday I want to go to Universal City Walk. We'll be back Wednesday so don't miss me too much. Pre B - SF NF Carmel w/chocolate soy milk latte S - cottage cheese and Splenda peaches L - homemade turkey chili S - fruit biscuits D - ? going out to dinner S - Starbucks Skinny Latte at the airport most likely
I know I can, I know I can
(deactivated member)
on 2/8/08 5:14 am - San Antonio, TX
GRRRRRRRRR I went to eat my lunch and I had no lunch.  I left my lunch and dinner, and my water bottle, at home on the table.  Ooops.  Well, we have an Einstein Bros. Bagels at school that I can tolerate 3 things from - lattes, pre-packaged HUGE salads with slightly dry chicken, and a chicken sandwich whose insides are decent.  Thus I went to Einsteins, which at 2:30 on a Friday afternoon is closed.  So I went to the cafeteria.  It has virtually nothing I can stand, except some fresh fruit and a decent pre-packed chicken caesar salad I used to get before surgery... and a lot of chips.  All of the "stands" that make hot food were of course close.  What's the deal with things in this town closing at 2 on Fri?  2:00 is rush hour in SA on Friday, its ridiculous.  So anyway, this evenings lunch and dinner choices are thus reduced to a caesar salad and some chips, neither of which I was wanting or would have gotten otherwise - oh and a brown banana. B - 16oz mootopia, 1 kozy shack NSA tapioca cup L - sea salt and malt vinegar chips, banana D - 3oz grilled chicken, parmesan and romaine from a chicken caesar salad (skipping croutons and dressing unless its just horrendous without them). S - fiber one bar Calories and such, no idea, but I know at least 19g of fiber and I should hit my protein for the day with the milk and chicken. 
(deactivated member)
on 2/8/08 5:25 am - Cleveland Heights, OH

Sorry you aren't feeling well and hope that you feel better soon -- like just in time for the weekend!   Your ordeal trying to find something to eat sounds frustrating.  I'm lucky that I can keep a stash of stuff in my office -- protein bars, soup, whole grain crackers, peanut butter, etc. --, and I usually have a couple frozen dinners stashed in a nearby freezer, as well as snacks in the refrigerator (string cheese, yogurt, apples, etc.).  So if I'm running late or forget to pack something, I always have a backup.  Unless, of course, the cleaning people take my food, which happens occasionally....  Anyway, sorry your Friday food was so unsatisfying - hopefully Saturday will be better!!! As for my weekend, I'm going to the gym early tomorrow afternoon to do my full strength training routine.  It takes about an hour and forty-five minutes to do the entire thing, so I usually break it up during the week.  But I like being able to do the entire routine sometimes and the gym is pretty empty on Saturday.  Other than that, it's laundry, tidying up the house, paying bills, maybe doing taxes, etc.  Oh, and maybe poker on Saturday night - that's always fun, although it always involves too much snacking!!! Here's what was on my plate Friday and my plan for the rest of the day-

B - 1 c. 1% milk in my coffee, 1 packet Quaker weight control oatmeal

S #1 - 1 cup lowfat cottage cheese, 4 tbsp. sugar-free preserves, 1/2 cup sliced strawberries

S #2 - 1 medium banana, 6 oz. light yogurt, 1/3 c. AllBran Buds

[workout #1 - upper body strength training]

L - WW SmartOnes salisbury steak w/ mac & cheese, 3/4 c. canned green beans
S #3 - venti non-fat latte w/ sugar-free vanilla syrup

S #4 - 1 slice whole-wheat bread, 3 slices turkey, 1 slice low-fat cheese, 1/2 c. alfalfa sprouts

[workout #2 - 45-60 minutes of cardio - don't know exactly what I'll do, maybe some core work since I did not have time to do that at lunch]

D - ~ 2-3 oz. shrimp with ****tail sauce and lots of lemon, 6 oz. broiled filet mignon, steamed broccoli

S #5 - 100 calorie Healthy Choice fudge bar, maybe some sugar-free cherry jello

Calories:  2083
Carbs:  259.3
Fat:  46.8
Fiber:  36.1
Protein:  178.8
Today's weight:  188.1 (down from 194 on Monday - thank goodness!)

(deactivated member)
on 2/8/08 5:36 am - San Antonio, TX
I usually have a fair-sized stash of food here too.  Nothing in the fridge/freezer because I don't think it gets cold enough.  I will only put things in there that I want to eat that day or drinks I want to keep cool.  I usually have a protein bar in my purse (fiber one today) and a couple of cans of soup, some nuts, popcorn, things like that in my desk.  My buddy here also keeps a lot of stuff in his desk - he's a body builder so there's three or four different protein powders he said I can use if I want (but you know how I love protein powders ) and tuna, protein bars, etc.  He mostly has a bunch of carby stuff though, pretzels, crackers, croutons, etc. Unfortunately my stash is depleted and I hadn't bothered to refill it (well I had some stuff in my lunch to refill it actually) so unless I wanted pumpkin seeds or Tony's protein powder I needed some food.  Nothing in the lab looked good, but if I hadn't dilly dallied looking through the food here I would have made it to Einstein's before it closed.  mmm filet mignon! my favorite cut since surgery - its smaller, leaner, and more tender... yum.  *droool*
on 2/8/08 7:37 am - Near Media, Pa- South of Philly, NJ
Oh Yeah Wafers 2 oz turkey jerky an orange 9 soy crisps a piece of whole wheat flatbread pizza with ham 4 ham/LC cheese/pickle roll-ups A quarter of a chicken quesadilla with salsa and lowfat sour cream 1/2 cup cream cheese pudding and lotsa tea...on accounta I'm sick. 851 calories   33 fat     67 carbs    74 protein

 "Oh sweet and sour Jesus, that is GOOD!" - Stephen Colbert  Lap RNY 7/07-- Lap Gallbladder 5/08--  
     Emergency Bowel Repair
6/08 -Dr. Meilahn, Temple U.  
 Upper and Lower Bleph/Lower Face Lift 
     Fraxel Repair 2/09-- Lower Bleph Re-Do 5/09  -Dr. Pontell, Media PA  Mastopexy/Massive 
     Brachioplasty/ Extended Abdominoplasty 
(plus Mons Lift and Upper Leg lift) / Hernia Repair
      6/24/09 ---Butt Lift and Lateral Thighplasty Scheduled 7/6/10
 - Dr. Ivor Kaplan VA Beach
Total Cost: $33,500   Start wt: 368   RNY wt: 300  Goal wt: 150   Current wt: 148.2  BMI: 24.7

on 2/8/08 11:48 am - Cumberland, MD
Well my cold seems to be abating so I am glad. Today I had 3 egg yokes from. Hard boiled eggs. The whites tasted like rubber! Then I had a LF yogurt 3oz beef patty 5oz beef tips 1.5 of those muffins with nothing in them 2 cups vegies 1100 calories 92 grams protein 55 gram fat 26 grams crabs

Joteddie1.jpg Century Club Card image by joteddie

(deactivated member)
on 2/8/08 11:51 am - San Antonio, TX
26g crabs yum
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