
Valerie M.
on 2/7/08 6:19 am - newfane, VT
I wanted to tell you all I think you have great stamina & endurance. Mine is being tested.... I started my process in April 2007... then got real serious in August. I went to my intro seminar August 3. Of course, one of the most frequently asked questions was "how long will this entire process take?" Their answer was "this is a patient run program, and timing depends on you"... With that... I was zooming out the door & on the phone the same day to make psych appts, Dr. visits for labs, etc... and within 48 hours, I had officially signed up for the program ($250) and took my first of three seminars online... I was off to a good start. I handed my completed paperwork in on November 5. WHoohoo... I'm on my way..... I quit smoking December 7th.... it's been brutal. They told me I had to quit 6 weeks before surgery, and at this time, I'm really thinking it was late Feb/early March that I'll be going "IN". I don't know why this time, In my previous attempts when I "wanted" to -- it was much easier.... now that I had to, it challenged me,  though, I hate the darn things & I'm glad they're out of my life.... FOREVER! My first appointment with the hospital was January 8. At that point, they suggested I do the inevitable sleep study (which I URGED my PCP to refer me to, but she didn't think I had sleep apnea...) and was told to get my vitamin levels & blood pressure checked again... No problem, I thought. I did within a few days. I called to make the sleep study appt and couldn't get an EVALUATION appointment until Feb. 5th... it's OK, I'm still highly motivated! So, I go for my sleep study evaluation... and indeed, they say I should do the overnight...  OK, better safe than sorry. So, I go meet with the appointment woman... She hands me a calendar and says pick a day - the week of March 17-21? WHAT? That's almost 6 weeks away!?!?!? OK, March 19th, suck it up. SO, in the meantime, I had another appointment with my PCP today, and I have to go on blood pressure medication... hoewever, even WITH quitting those wretched cigarrettes, I have still lost 6 more lbs... which is music to my ears because I've been scared to death about it (and not checking at home because my scale only weights to 330 lbs..go figure!) So... sorry for rambling, thanks for reading... I feel so "Whoa is me" and  like a WHINER.... and I'm far from a whiner in life, usually..... I'm a tough broad!!!  Then again, no one said this was going to be easy. I still read your posts daily (I'm a bit of an OH addict)... I feel like I know many of you personally... I read your daily menus faithfully to know what I have to look forward to...  I do feel like my hospital is testing my endurance...and makes you jump through all these hoops just to make sure you really are in it for the long haul. Did anyone else feel like this??  Onward & Upward... I'm done whining & I'm getting my head back to pure motivation....  my day will come, I just have to be PATIENT ( a word that was NEVER in my vocabulary until August 2007!!)  Valerie
on 2/7/08 7:38 am - Toronto, Canada
I am in Ontario Canada and the average wait here is 15-18 months. does that help?  It will arrive before you know it.

starting BMI 60.8+

lost 126 lbs since November 10th and still dropping...Surgery Dec. 10th

BMI currently 42.2




(deactivated member)
on 2/7/08 8:03 am
I totally relate - my battle was with insurance and it lasted an entire year. I tell ya, that was one of the worst years ever! It's like you are ready to start a new life and they just keep you hanging by a thread. It will end and you will completely forget about the wait - believe me, it is worth it! Big Hugs Pam
estelle S.
on 2/7/08 11:10 am - Brant Lake, NY
I completely relate, I think it may really be just that and they do want to see if they can shake ya! lol Don't let um!   actualy I think they just want to make sure your in the best possible health b4 they do the surgery, Its all worth it in the end,  Congrats on that smoking thing I was a 3 pack a day smoker quit cold turkey 4 years ago. Hardest thing I ever did!  Congrats and keep your chin up!  Estelle
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/08 12:31 pm - San Antonio, TX
Good luck - maybe you could ask them to call you if anyone cancels for the sleep study?  Its awful to wait, but in the end it'll be so worth everything you went through!
Valerie M.
on 2/7/08 11:47 pm - newfane, VT
Thanks. Really, thanks. I'm done with my pitty party... The thing is that I put surgery off for so long... "I can do this on my own".... and now I find myself at 33, pushing 34...and wanting to have children; which of course I have to wait a year after surgery for.... SO, this is how I find myself in panic mode from time to time.... Fact is, I've only really been waiting 7 months, so I'm gonna put my big girl panties on & deal with it!!!   Thanks again and Happy Friday!!! Valerie
on 2/8/08 2:47 am - Snohomish, WA
Valerie,  My "hoops" all had to do with the insurance company but I know what waiting is like.  I know someone who works scheduling at the sleep center I go to and she told me people often cancel their sleep studies on the day of the appointment.  If you can be flexible, let them know you will come in early even with very short notice.  Good Luck!   Donna

Jeanine F.
on 2/11/08 9:00 am - Clifton Park, NY
Val...you ARE a strong woman...you are jumping thru the hopps and STILL have not given up!!  It can be annoying as hell..the entire 6 weeks before my surgery I had paractically back to back appointments for one thing or another...including 2 overnight sleep studies!  I felt run ragged but...it helped me (as I look back on it) to be busy so the time passed quickly and I had an easier time with the liquid diet because I had very little time to think about the food I was "missing".  Congrats on giving up the cigs...that in itself is a huge hurdle. You will look back on all this one day and it will be a distant memory.  Please keep us updated on your progress and when you get a surgery date, OK?  HUGS  Jeanine


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