10 Things!

estelle S.
on 2/7/08 3:53 am - Brant Lake, NY
Lol @#2  I was on my way to Canada and was stopped at the border while waiting in line I was doing that whole "i'm a rock star" thing singing at the top of my  lungs and then I looked over and realized there was like 100 cars in line next to me lol   Talk about not paying attention while driving lol
Valerie M.
on 2/7/08 6:29 am - newfane, VT
Count me in!! 1. I like playing in the mud. I love planting, gardening, making things grow...and I even love making mud pies. It was something I was really good at as a child...and I've lost the knack as I've gotten older. I think I will start making gourmet mud pies again.... Nothing but culinary excellence! 2. I don't wake up well in the morning. No matter what time I go to bed, I still fight it every morning. My poor husband gets the brunt of it. I used to beat my sisters up when they tried to wake me as a kid... now, my husband gets it. Poor guy. 3. I met my husband almost 8 years ago in a Grateful dead chat room. Go figure... Yahoo... who would have thought... and he's a southern man to boot. I NEVER thought I would have married a southern man. The good ol' Grateful Dead… God works in mysterious ways. 4. Sometimes I listen to cheesy music when I'm alone. I have Sirius radio in my car..and while it's usually ALWAYS on channel 17, Jam On, I sometimes listen to The Bridge (the softer side of rock!) or 60's vibrations and rock out all alone… 5. I'm scared to have kids. Sometimes bratty kids drive me crazy, then again, sometimes I love them dearly. I guess it's all in how you raise, discipline, support and encourage them… and I'm pretty confident I'll do OK… I just worry… Are you really ever ready to have kids? 6. I love working at a toy company. I feel I'm perfectly suited for this job, as I'll always be a kid at heart. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever really grown up. 7. Though I absolutely LOVE the quality of life in Vermont, I fear for my future financial stability. I made a lot of money in New York working the corporate rat race..and I was the most unhealthy I have ever been. Though, after sacrificing more than 2/3 of a pay cut to move up here… it is a better life…and who needs money anyway? I would just really like to retire early and go to rock concerts every day. 8. I worry too much. About every one, about everything. Funny, when I was in college, it was my roommate that did all the worrying. I talked her out of it… I was always talking her down from the ledge… I think I've experience some real transference here, and I hate it… I used to be such a care free and happy go lucky person..and now I get bogged down with worry and fear. Sad, really. I'm gonna work on that one… 9. I can still remember phone numbers of my friends from kindergarten. I have a phenomenal memory for numbers. 10. Someday I would like a baby cow. I really love them. I want a black one & I'm going to name him Angus.
Lori A.
on 2/7/08 8:18 am - West Bath, ME
This is great fun! 1. I was a member of the Tucson Girls Choir when I was a kid. 2. I LOVE bad cheesy horror movies 3. I read 2-3 novels a week 4. I was once the only "real" female back-up dancer in a drag queen pageant. (as a favor for a friend whose dancer got sick at the last second....in a bright orange spandex halter mini-dress no less...lol, i fit right in with the drag queens) 5. I have 2 mini-schnauzers, a geriatric cat and 2 red-eared slider turtles that own me completely. 6.  I have a 6 month old grandson who I absolutely  adore with all of my heart. 7. My partner and I own a Coffeehouse and make gourmet chocolates, and I am neither a chocolate or coffee fan... 8. I have assisted on 3 autopsies. 9. When I grow up I want to be a Pathologist. 10. I am afraid to apply to med school.
Starting Weight: 303
Current Weight: 150
Goal Weight: 110
You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance. -Lee Iacocca
on 2/7/08 2:06 pm - CO

I don't know where to start, but here goes: 1.  I have lived in, or visited, 49 of the 50 United States. 2.  I don't really have a "best" friend now that I am older. 3.  I am a romantic at heart and a cynic by nature, so I'm always quarrelling with myself. 4.  I went to Boalt School of Law (UC Berkeley) for one year before I ran, screaming. 5.  I went to college fully expecting to study music and graduated with a degree in Government and a minor in English.  6.  I play the flute, the oboe, and the piano, and I also sing relatively well, but I won't perform for anyone (which made being a music major difficult since we had to give solo concerts). 7.  I have been engaged twice but never married. 8.  I am often too hard on myself. 9.  I am a first generation American (sadly, our family's native language is already lost) 10.  I hate it when people are forever talking about the past (it's a real sickness in my family, reliving things that happen eons ago)  It's over.  Let's get on with the future! Kix



Patty T.
on 2/8/08 12:00 pm - Boalsburg, PA

This is fun!

1. I lived in Pennsylvania for 43 years and never thought I'd leave. I met my hubby #2 online in 1996 on IRC. I moved across the country.

2. My garden is my favorite place to be. I even like to weed. I love the smell of dirt.

3. I love big dogs, especially Labrador Retrievers.

4. I am Ellis Island on one side, DAR on the other.

5. I'm an evil step-mother. Ask my kids.

6. I learned to swim at 2, was in my 1st race at 3.

7. I changed my college major from Math to Technical Theater when I discovered I could get college credit for staying up late and crawling around in the ceiling. Heck, I would have PAID to get to explore all the places I've been.

8. My Fix-It skills exceed both my Dad's and my hubby's.

9. I love to read.

10. I ALWAYS cry if the dog dies in the movie. We're talking blubbering, snot running down the *****rying. 



Jeanine F.
on 2/11/08 8:46 am - Clifton Park, NY
Better late than never...I just saw these posts. Here's my list:  (Thanks Estelle!)
  1. I went into Nursing specifically to become a Midwife…but that never happened! 
  2. Married the first time at age 18 (dumb ass) then left him after 12 ½ years of verbal abuse and neglect (cuz I got too fat!) Remarried at age 30 to a wonderful man whom I adore!
  3. I have four daughters and 6 beautiful grandchildren (including a set of twin girls)
  4. My favorite movies are Dirty Dancing & Pretty Woman
  5. I am also a star singer wannabe…especially in the car!  LOL
  6. I recently graduated from a Writers Course from a college in Pennsylvania….I am working on getting published. I enjoy writing fiction and short stories.
  7. I am the youngest of six children. My 82 year old parents are still alive, Thank God
  8. My youngest daughter is a Lesbian, not exactly MY life’s plan for her, but I love her unconditionally and accept her choices.
  9. I used to be a ballerina.  Took dance lessons until age 9 (started my obesity about then)
  10. My biggest fantasy in life is to make love on a private beach , waves crashing & Ebb Tide (Righteous Bros)playing in the background.


estelle S.
on 2/12/08 11:49 am - Brant Lake, NY
#10? thanks for the visual    lol
Jeanine F.
on 2/12/08 9:40 pm - Clifton Park, NY
LOL....well hey now...we lived in Florida for 9 years and have been to the Carribean, and Sal knows this is my fantasy....but he's always afraid someone would come along.....I am NOT an exhibitionist by any means, but it seems to me it could be worked out. Shee**** would only take 10 minutes! LOL  OK...so I can give up the Ebb Tide part.     HUGS  Jeanine


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