10 Things!

estelle S.
on 2/6/08 7:34 am - Brant Lake, NY

Ok so I won’t mention any names but this Friend of mine on MySpace tagged me to blog about 10 interesting, funny or just facts about myself then after I did it I had to tag 10 more people. Well I only have 8 friends on MySpace and she is one of them so I didn’t have 10 people to Tag.  So I tag all of you!  you don’t have to tag 10 more people but I think it would be fun if everyone listed 10 things about themselves.  I'll start (copied from my   MySpace)

1.       I met my best friend Online she lives in Canada

2.       I love movies that make me cry

3.       I hate cleaning

4.       I am terrible about finishing something if it takes too long to complete

5.       I would love to go back to school but I am afraid of failing and worse having to start out with like 9th grade English (we all know its true lol)

6.       I'm afraid to be alone

7.       I am addicted to purses, I love buying them because you never have to try them on.

8.       I have really ugly toes!

9.       People who don't take responsibility for their actions and continually blame others **** me off

10.   I am #10 Of 12 children yes I have 11 brothers and sisters

on 2/6/08 9:25 am - Snohomish, WA
Sounds like fun Estelle.  I look forward to learning more about people on this board! 1.  I am a terrible procrastinator! 2.  I love movies and rewatch my favorites often. 3.  I never left the house when I was at my highest weight unless it was for a medical appointment.  I am just now starting to venture out occationally. 4.  I am very, very proud of my two sons but just recently started to tell them so.  I often wish I could go back in time and redo a few things. 5.  My favorite book is Pillars of the Earth. 6.  My favorite feel good movie is Love Actually. 7.  Since losing so much weight I can walk without back pain, my diabetes is much improved as is my sleep apnea and blood pressure but I still have problems seeing a visible difference in myself. 8.  I have learned that neglecting your friends for long periods of time, regardless of the reason, means you are going to lose some of them. 9.  I have been married for 32 years and my husband is the best.  My friends are jealous. 10. I cut off contact with my father 22 years ago when he divorced my mother.  I regret that and plan to make ammends very soon.

estelle S.
on 2/7/08 12:43 am - Brant Lake, NY
#8 is so true,For me it has alot to do with the weight Gain and not wanting to see anyone. But thats all behind us now and they will return if they were truely friends! :)
Patty T.
on 2/8/08 12:02 pm, edited 2/8/08 12:03 pm - Boalsburg, PA
Pillars of the Earth - I loved the whole series! Lately I'm re-reading the First American books by the Gears.

(deactivated member)
on 2/6/08 9:48 am - San Antonio, TX
Hmm I just happen to have one of these lists pre-prepared.  I wonder how that came about?

1. I didn't actually want a PhD, I wanted an MD, but I chickened out because of my weight.

2. I put my socks and shoes on before I get dressed so my feet don't have to touch the carpet for long.

3. We name cars - Ghost car (it was haunted) was followed by Pimpy, Mr. Sparkle, Blue and now we have a Focus we just call Focus. 

4. I have a VERY highly tuned gag reflex.

5. My sense of smell has been referred to as freakish.  I should have been a wine taster, coffee taster, perfume maker, or someone else who is well-paid for their nasal abilities. 

6. I procrastinate severely.  I can't get things done unless there is pressure or a deadline.

7. I weigh myself every morning after I go to the bathroom but before I shower.  I'm afraid the water from a shower would add weight. 

8. My tolerance for pain is very high.  This probably comes from hurting myself a lot.

9. I have an addiction to bath products and spend entirely too much money on body washes, lotions, perfumes, etc. 

10. I read a lot - if I could I'd do nothing but read.  I average a book every few weeks but sometimes when the mood strikes I'll read 2 or 3 in a week.  I don't even really care if they are any good, although that is preferable of course. 

estelle S.
on 2/7/08 12:39 am - Brant Lake, NY
Well you told me to tag 10 people , This was the only way it was gonna happen lol I thought wow what a great idea but I waited to do it because I couldnt figure out how to "tag" people lol  This was good though I learned alot about everyone.  Its funny how so many of us are alike and yet so different. I think its probably more like that in every walk of life than we even realize!  I weigh myself like that too :) Thanks QT!  SS
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/08 9:52 am, edited 2/6/08 9:59 am - San Antonio, TX
My husband also just happened to have listed 10 things about himself on his myspace today (its really going around!)  In case anyone was wondering what he was like (besides PJ who met his royal smart ass in person) this is a good example:

1. I am Superman, and I can do anything, I just choose not to.

2. Anything you can do, Jenn can do better.

3. Blessed are the children, for they shall inherit the national debt.

4. My other taco is a chalupa.

5. My other ride is your mom.

6. I buy fruit and don't eat it.

7. I root for the underdog until they win, then I don't like them anymore.

8. My radio show only had an audience of 5.

9. My dad is Bruce Campbell. (Really!)

10. I am secretly a teddy bear.

on 2/7/08 12:04 am - Boron, CA
your husband kills me I laughed so hard. especially number 7 that me too I was siked when the Giants one now I don't like them any more

estelle S.
on 2/7/08 12:41 am - Brant Lake, NY
Something tells me # 10 is no secret! lol
Tricie 40
on 2/6/08 10:47 am - Back Home For Good, IL
1. I found a store that sold used hotel furniture. They had 5 foot mirror and I bought all 5 of them and I placed them around my house so I can see myself in every room. Before WLS the only time I would look in the mirror was to make sure I had all the rolls of fat covered. Now its to make sure their are no rolls of fat. 2. I love good bed linen. 3. I am a clean freak.  4. I love singing sad love songs. 5. I am always at the next stage mentally before I finish this stage. So I don't think I fully enjoy anything for thinking about what's next.  6. I think lighted christmas trees are romantic. 7. I carry a shower head with me when I visit relative and friends on vacation. I have to have a good shower everyday. 8. I love perfume 9. I can spend hours on ebay just looking.  10. I like the way shoes fit my feet since WLS. 


The only person that is with us our entire life,  is ourselves. Live while you are alive




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