Gym is Open (Wednesday 2/6)

on 2/5/08 2:42 pm - CO
The gym is open! Our road isn't quite thawed to my liking, but I cannot stay indoors two days in a row, I will run mad.  So, I plan to go to the gym and do killer treadmill, along with strength training for arms (well, I guess I really should call it "upper body" since it involves more than just arms). Had a great time at my caucus!  There was such a huge turnout that people were parking blocks away from the caucus location.  We planned to park at the caucus location since we went directly from aquacise, but when we realized people were parking and walking, we just parked at home and walked to the school. I was inspired by the big turnout.  Parents brought teens to observe the process, folks who had never attended a caucus before were there, young people in their late teens and early twenties were excited about the process, and it was just amazing listening to people speak eloquently about why they were supporting a particular candidate.  Being unaffiliated, I did not get to vote, but my preferred candidate had the majority at our caucus.   Things are a bit different here in CO.  When I was active in politics in CA, one had to campaign to be selected to attend the county convention.  Here, they just asked if anyone was interested in being a delegate.  I was dying!  I'm interested, but ineligible because I'm unaffiliated as of 1/5/08.  AARGH.  Another lesson learned the hard way!  Sorry to blather on. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 2/5/08 9:38 pm - somewhere
We don't caucus here and we don't get to vote until March.... I'm going to try and do early voting if I can just to avoid the crowds.... I managed to get that walk with the dog in yesterday and it felt GREAT..... I'm back in the office today and getting antsy so I may just get up and go stroll the halls for a while.... LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

(deactivated member)
on 2/6/08 12:36 am
I've never been to a caucus so I am a bit envious that you went! Last night was pretty exciting, seeing how many people turned out. There's an excitement in the air that I haven't felt in a long time and I love to see all the young people get involved. I was thrilled with who won Colorado too (at least on the democratic side - that should give you a clue who i am supporting ) I woke up late this morning, since I was up late trying to watch the final tally. So, I had to rush my workout. I did a short walking warmup, 30 minutes of weights and then 22 minutes of sprints.  However, I'm going to add a new workout at lunch today, I'm going to run the stairs here at work. Yeah, I am crazy, but since it's snowy out we can't walk our usual path and I am trying to mix things up to be ready for March. Good luck getting out of that house - they say it's suppose to be in the 60's this weekend, so maybe the snow will finally melt!!!
on 2/6/08 12:39 am - central pa, PA

I have evening classes today so i will do my leslie sansone 2 mile walk tape when i get home


(deactivated member)
on 2/6/08 1:08 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hi, Kix.  Glad you'll be able to make it out today, snow and all.  I also hate to be cooped up, so can relate to the "must leave the house" syndrome.  Hope you have a great workout and enjoy being out in the world.   Your caucus sounds fascinating - I'm really glad people are getting more involved in the electoral process.  It's a much needed change.   My exercise plan for the day is a 2-a-day - upper body strength training and core work at lunchtime, then cardio after work for 45-60 minutes.  Same old, same old, but it's still working, so I'll keep on doing it!   I am considering joining an outdoor rowing club this summer.  There's a local club where you can pay a flat fee to join for the summer.  They provide training and all the equipment, you provide yourself and whatever personal equipment you need/want (gloves, padded shorts so your butt doesn't hurt, etc.).  The "season" goes for about 3-4 months (can't recall exactly when it starts, but it wraps up in August).  There are a couple races during the season, and various other social activities.  I'm looking for some outdoor activities to do so I can get outdoors in the summer.  Unfortunately, there isn't as much great outdoor stuff to do here in Cleveland as there is in Colorado.  But I'll keep looking - may also try to find a hiking club...   Anyway, that's my story for this fine Wednesday - look forward to seeing what everyone else is up to today - Kellie
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/08 7:03 am - San Antonio, TX
No Super Tuesday in Texas but it was interesting to follow.  I'm not completely sure which democrat I'd prefer, but I'm sure about which Republicans I would not prefer! I walked a lot today so far.  I really should buy a pedometer for Wed because I'm all over campus.  I've also taken 6 flights of stairs (up is good, down hurts my knees a little so I still take the elevator).  I'm here for another 6 hours or so, and I plan to walk for 10 minutes each hour, so I'd be interested in knowing how far I really do walk on Weds. 
estelle S.
on 2/6/08 7:41 am - Brant Lake, NY
Well the turn out in NY was amazing I love the feeling in the air its like when we lived in Tampa and The bucs won the superbowl. Horns blaring and people waving its a party!   I walked the mall for an hour it was great I didn't stop didn't buy a coffee lol just walked for an hour inside 30 mins outside 30 mins.    I miss the GYM  Estelle
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