Gym is Open (Tuesday 2/5)

on 2/4/08 2:16 pm - CO
It's Super Tuesday in many parts of the U.S.  If you are politically inclined, be sure to attend your caucus meeting tonight! It looks like I will be adding shoveling snow to my list of activity today.  groundhog.  I hope the roads aren't bad enough to keep me from getting to the gym.  I don't want my only exercise tomorrow to be aquacise.  I like the class, but the activity level isn't enough to make me feel challenged (maybe because Jennie isn't teaching it!).   Our caucus meeting is at the elementary school down the hill from our house.  I'd like to walk to the meeting, but we'll be going directly from aquacise.  Also, my sister won't walk in the cold.  I will probably walk home from the meeting just for extra activity (unless it is colder than BRR). I'll post my actual activity later. What did you do to move your body today? Kix PS to Karen G in TX, I haven't seen you stroll by my house yet.  Did the snow slow you down a bit?   



Karen The Papaya

on 2/4/08 8:48 pm - somewhere
Good Morning Kix, I'm still strolling along! LOL    Actually did take the doggie for a short walk and it felt good.... it's wet out there this morning but warm and we're between showers right now, so I'm throwing on my sweats and going out for a quick walk with him now....  Work called at 3 am and I didn't get everything fixed and finished up until almost 6, so I'm working from home the rest of the day from the recliner! LOL Have a great day and try not to shovel too hard!

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 2/5/08 4:34 am - CO
Karen, Days like today make Texas sound awfully tempting, but then I think about summer in San Antonio and I change my mind pretty quickly! Are you still swelling?  Also, how much skin did they take off with the TT?  Are you several inches smaller now? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 2/5/08 9:30 am - San Antonio, TX
Amen to that, summer here is a killer!  It might not be so bad this year though, since I'm cold all the time.  I might be basking in that heat like a giant lizard!
Karen The Papaya

on 2/5/08 9:25 pm - somewhere
I'm trying to stay off my feet for at least a few hours a day and that seems to be all I need to do to keep the swelling down.   They took off 9.9 lbs of skin during the TT, but it never even crossed my mind to do my measurements before hand. Since my hernia was such a huge protrusion right at my waist line any inches lost probably wouldn't have been really accurate any way....  And as for the heat I'm with Jen on this one, I loved the Texas heat last summer.... LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

(deactivated member)
on 2/4/08 9:35 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

Our caucus isn't until early March; could be anticlimatic here in Ohio unless there's no clear frontrunners after today.  If there are still multiple frontrunners after today though, Ohio could be a hotbed of activity... I was shoveling this morning, but it wasn't snow.  When I opened the garage to get my car out, all this water flooded into my garage.  I pushed as much of it out as I could with the snow shovel; never shoveled water before but it worked pretty well.  I'm just grateful it's warm so we're getting rain instead of snow.  If this heavy precipitation were coming down as snowfall, I wouldn't have been able to get out of my house (hhhhhmm, would that have necessarily been a bad thing????).   As far as my gym plans for the day, I'm skipping the lunch time workout so I can go out to lunch for Thai food with a couple friends.  But I will go to the gym after work for cardio - think I'll try 20 minutes on the bike, then 20 minutes on the stairmaster, then 20-30 minutes on the rowing machine.  I really want to get rid of the pounds I put back on from weekend knoshing and Super Bowl swilling!!!! Kellie

on 2/4/08 11:06 pm - CO
Well, foxfart!  Looks like I'm stuck at home for at least a few hours, stupid snow.  It's deep enough that my little Honda would get stuck trying to plow through it.  I'm hoping to get out of the house later on, when all the bigger trucks and SUVs drive up and down the street and shove the snow out of the way. I'm already in a bad mood, and it's only 8 AM.  Here's hoping it doesn't last the whole day. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 2/5/08 2:41 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Sorry your stuck in a snowy, snowy world.  I hate it when I get grumpy early in the day - for me, that usually means I'm going to be *****y all day.  It's like once I'm cranky I stay cranky until my crank-o-meter is re-set by a good night's sleep.  Some days I actually like being evil and cranky; that's when I know I'd better hide in my office until the end of the day.  Otherwise my mouth will get me in trouble...   Anyway, I hope you're a more advanced soul than I, so you can embrace the moment and move on.  If not, pick a neighbor that you don't like, bury their car in snow, then tell them one of the neighborhood teenagers did it....  That would make me feel better Kellie
on 2/5/08 4:24 am - CO
I spent two hours shoveling snow (10 inches worth).  The neighbor to our right is so unneighborly -- she always shovels her sidewalk right up to the property line, and not a centimeter more.  I have shoveled her sidewalk on occasion, and her driveway once or twice, but in my bad mood today, I have vowed that her back can snap clean in half before I shovel any snow for her, ever.  Her late husband was a butt, too, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised she has those qualities. My left neighbor is a hoot.  He came over with his snowblower while I was shoveling with the shovel (for more exercise) and I had to chase him away, telling him this was all the exercise I'd be likely to get today, but thank you for offering.  He then went and plowed the sidewalks over at the cul de sac across the street.  His dog, who I dogsit when they travel, gave me many dog kisses to keep me motivated while I was slogging away (I think she was buttering me up for a dog cookie, but I've been asked not to give her cookies because she is on a diet). Oh, and great, evil minds must think alike, because once I've shoveled the driveway snow, I shovel the road snow in front of the house and driveway to give us an unobscured path to the road.  I took all the road snow and shoved it in front of the right neighbor's house.    It's not in one obvious pile, I made sure to even it out properly, but it's all there. I am proud to say we have the cleanest driveway in the Lakewood foothills.  So, it looks like shoveling snow, being grumpy, and aquacise will be all the exercise I get today. Kix



on 2/5/08 3:38 am - Ontario, CA
Hey Kix, I went to the pool today for my water aerobics class.  We did a HARD workout today - I really pushed my class, and myself, and I'm feeling it!  So, 1 hour of intense water aerobics today for me.  I won't be at the pool tomorrow because I go for my 1 year checkup in San Diego.

31 lbs lost before surgery
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