January 31 2008
Thanks Kellie! I'm glad that you are around to encourage people on this sometimes bumpy road. It is great for me to see those who are 2 years out and still losing, and still staying diligent with their eating and exercise. I think we too often just hear about those who have slipped and are beginnignt o put weight on again, and we think that is the "norm".
My husband has been a great encouragement to me, and even now that my body is saggy and "interesting" to say the least at this point, he is still so positive and encouraging. He is a treasure to me! I think he should teach classes on being a great husband!
Thanks Lizzie. This is a great place to come and be inspired. When we are bigger, it is hard to relate to the person who only has 100lbs to lose, and we need to hear from those who were truly heavy! While I'm very glad for those who only needed to lose 100lbs, or even 80lbs, it is hard to read comments about how bad they thought they looked at 220, when at 220, I thought I was pretty hot looking! LOL And even now, I'm weighing in at 195ish - so to hear how ugly someone looked at a gross 200lbs is very hard for me. I appreciate this board, because of the encouragement, and the good role models. We understand that we can be fit, healthy and gorgeous at 200lbs, and that we've come a LONG way. We can also understand what type of dedication it takes to be in this for the long haul.
Keep moving toward your goal, you will get there, and the journey will surprise you!
Happy Anniversary indeed Jenny! I checked out your photo album and I am very inspired by your transition. Every time I read about someone like you it give me hope and faith. Sometimes I have to pinch myself and push away the fear that this is all a dream and all the fat will come back. Thank you for that. I too wish you many years of good health and happiness. Kudos to you! HUGS Jeanine