Had a appt with the doc for my pre-op procedure.
It was rainy and windy and i was walking very slowly to the van and dammit i took a trip(forgot to pack my bags for this one).
It didnt hurt was just embarrsing as can be, my dh is 6"2 and 245pds not little by any means but im a biiiiiiiiiggggggg girl so a little chinese guy comes over to help.
I tell him sir i appreciate it but id throw you round like a rag doll ,he says mam lets try and we did it.
I bet he works out..
Well today i find bruises everywhere and my arm is sore where i tried to catch myself.
Tomorrow they want to check my legs for blood clots .
I had a bad cold a few weeks ago and since that and my 30pd weight loss my legs are so weak i feel like they wont holdme.
My dh feels so bad he says i should have helped you i told him hunny i know how to walk it wasnt your fault.
I dont wonna ride in that wheelchair its so big it dont fit thru the doorway..
I cant wait til Feb 20th.
(deactivated member)
on 1/30/08 7:26 am - San Antonio, TX
on 1/30/08 7:26 am - San Antonio, TX
Aww, I'm sorry you fell and glad they are looking out for you with blood clots and everything.
I've sprained my ankles multiple times in public and it was always mortifying. The worst was when we were leaving an Italian restaurant and I fell, sprained ankle and then broke wrist in the fall. The restaurant called an ambulance, everyone was staring. I told the paramedics I was fine and made my husband drive me home. After coming to my senses I realized I wasn't fine and the wrist needed to be seen, so we went to the ER. I ended up being too fat for a good setting with a cast, so I had to have surgery where an external fixator was used - big metal thing that hooked my bones together. Getting around at 370lbs with a broken wrist and a sprained ankle was definitely interesting.
Ahhh Jenn
I couldnt imagine my legs dont work very well and i knew to go slow
I couldnt get up if i could of sttod my weight on my knees i could have.
So here is my dh and a strange man pulling me tomy geet.
I told my dh you should have just called a tow truck..
My dh even called on his break at work to see if i was ok..
I dont know where id be if i didnt have him....
Thanks everybody......................................
Take good care of yourself. I fell a year and a half ago and because of the daily baby asprin I take plus not elevating my knee the first evening, I had a HUGE amount of swelling. Of course, at the time of the fall, I was out in the back with a normal sized friend and no way was I going to admit I needed help. I didn't want the shame of him not being able to pull me up. I just sat there until I felt ready to get up myself, then limped inside and went to bed.
My doc also sent me for a scan to check for clots. Hope all is OK.
Maybe when we are smaller we will bounce better.
I used to be known as the accident prone person in the office. I have had a number of very bad falls. I always credited it with me just being clumsy.
Strangely, now that I am 100 lbs lighter, I don't fall. I haven't had a bad fall in 5+ months. I think it has a connection with the body weight. I'm not sure of the mechanics involved, maybe someone else on the board knows the reasons.
So, if this is true we can all look to a future with fewer falls and injuries.
I am so sorry you took a fall. That has always been one of my biggest fears that i will fall and not be able to get up. Just want you to know now that I have lost weight I can take a bath again because I am able to put weight on my knees and then lift myself up. So remember, it won't always be like this. Hugs.