Who Floats Your Boat?

on 1/30/08 1:29 pm - CO
Clint Eastwood used to be all kinds of pretty, especially during his "Dirty Harry" days.  My best friend and I were at different colleges in the 70s, and when we'd write to each other (actual letters, just like in the movies!), I'd put "Mrs. Clint Eastwood" and my return address.  Hers was "Mrs. Tom Selleck." Robert Redford was hot for about ten minutes.  In person, not so much.  I was skiing in Utah years ago and actually rode on a chair lift with him.  I didn't realize it was him at first because he was so low key.  When it dawned on me, I damn near fell out of the chair, which would have been quite painful, as we were pretty high up. Someone who is aging surprisingly well is Donald Sutherland.  I saw a preview of that new Kate Hudson/Matt McC movie and Donald actually looks attractive now.  Which reminds me, Kiefer Sutherland has an extremely hot voice and isn't too tough on the eyes.  His constant drinking, however, is a major turn off. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 1/30/08 9:36 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
OMG, how did I forget Keifer????  I adore him and am so sad that this season of 24 will be delayed because of the writer's strike   I loved him in Phone Booth!!! Kellie
(deactivated member)
on 1/31/08 5:06 am
Um, hello, ROBERT REDFORD???? i'm assuming you meant he wasn't too attractive in person, but what was he like? Nice, not so nice, weird... inquiring minds want to know!
on 2/1/08 12:59 am - CO

It was the weirdest thing -- I was skiing by myself, so when you're a single, they plop strangers into the lift chair with you unless the slopes are pretty empty.   They put me on the lift and this dude was already in the chair.  I hopped on the chair and off we went.  I said, "Hi" and he replied, "How's it going?"  There was something about his voice that sounded familiar (and to be honest, I suck at remembering names/faces), so I couldn't figure out at first where I knew him.  His body language was very casual, he wasn't trying to be recognized.  He had on a ski hat and kept his head bent down.   When I lived in LA, I lived in a neighborhood that many celebrities called home, so it wasn't unusual to encounter them in the neighborhood shops, the dry cleaners, or the grocery store.  I thought I was immune to the "OMG" reaction upon seeing someone famous. Anyway, I kept peeking at him under the guise of admiring the scenery, and when it clicked, it was "OMG, it's Robert Redford!" I just about fell over.  I think he realized I recognized him, too.  We were almost at the top of the run, so when we reached the top of the run, he hopped off and said, "Don't break a leg now."  I hopped off and promptly fell on my face.  Of course, I always fall on my face when I ski, but it was especially embarrassing at this moment. He's much shorter than one would expect (if he's taller than 5'7", I'll be surprised) and there must be redheads in his family, because he had that kind of strawberry blondishness like my mother had when she was younger.  This was also many years ago, when he was still good looking, and while he was good looking in person, he definitely photographs much better than he looks in real life. Kix



on 1/30/08 4:07 am - IN

I have several celebs that I think are hot, hot, hot!!  1. Jennifer Aniston--OMG she is really hot and so down to earth!

2. Will Smith--HELLO!!  If anyone can look THAT good in a t-shirt, they are getting my vote!

3. Matthew McConaughey--he was arrested for smoking weed and playing bongos...naked..I find that really sexy, plus--just look at him!!  YUM! 4. Kate Hudson--she has that sexy hippie feel about her (I am a lesbian, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy looking at the other gender!! )


(deactivated member)
on 1/30/08 7:20 am - San Antonio, TX
Kate Hudson is luminous.  Ok you people are making me wonder which team I bat for!
(deactivated member)
on 1/30/08 7:45 am
You're a Jane Austin fan too? I LOVE, LOVE her stuff... I have every movie that was adapted from her books and have read her books over and over again. There is something so simple about the way life was then I am totally and completely in love with Russell Crowe - always have been, always will be. I love those bad boys who are actually good underneath it all (his devotion to his wife is pretty amazing).  Couple that with his accent and amazing talent and you've got me hooked. A close second would be Patrick Dempsey - this was long before Grey's Anatomy and I'm pretty jealous that the rest of the world has recognized what a hottie he is. That smile of his... sigh. Have you ever made up your "list?" It's the list of 5 celebrities that you would sleep with if you could - I did if with a friend a couple of years ago just for kicks, it was kind of fun. Of course, my dear Russell was number 1
on 1/30/08 1:49 pm - CO
Oh, yes, I am quite the Jane Austin fan.  Have you been watching the series on Masterpiece Theater (Sundays at 9 on Channel 6)?  Low key adaptations with not famous actors, but well done.  Some of them are her lesser known works, too. I actually was not a Russell Crowe fan until I saw him in "3:10 to Yuma" and "American Gangster." My sister likes him, and said he did a tremendous job in that boxing movie, which I still haven't seen even though we have every movie channel Comcast offers. Hm, your game sounds like fun!  I'm in! 1.  Alan Rickman, especially if he talks a lot while we're doing the deed 2.  Colin Firth, talking is fine, but not required.  3.  Hiroyuki Sanada (famous actor in Japan, has been in some American movies, including "Last Samurai" and "The White Countess.")    Smokin' hot!     4.  Ken Watanabe (famous actor in Japan, played the Chairman in "Memoirs of a Geisha" and played Katsumoto in "The Last Samurai." )  Woohoo!   5.  Vincent D'Onofrio   Yum!  OK, I think I need to go fan myself now! Kix



Patty T.
on 1/31/08 4:20 am - Boalsburg, PA

Cool that this is such an equal opportunity area. Myself, I'm bi but extremely monagamous. One at a time, never mind the equipment.

In no order:

Angela Jolie
Richard Dreyfus
Most of the female cast of "The L Word", esp. Shane
Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Mariel Hemmingway
Lindsay Wagner in the Bionic Woman days
Tom Selleck in Magnum PI era

(deactivated member)
on 2/1/08 1:11 am
"One at a time, never mind the equipment." That's just about the best quote I have seen in a while - love it! I never thought Richard Dreyfuss was handsome when he was younger but now there is something about him that makes him very attractive. Kind of the same with Dustin Hoffman - they both have aged well.
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