Just sharing good news
Congrats Becky.... you are in for a fantastic wild ride. We are both from the same neck of the woods. I live in Vallejo... I looked at your profile and your surgeon is quite far from you. I too traveled abit, but not as much as you. I had mine done in Burlingame. Be sure and let us know when your surgery date is. Good Luck Lynn
Hi Lynn :)
It is quite a ways from me ... but he takes medicare and does the DS ... I have a few friends that have had surgery with him and say he is wonderful soooo that was my reason for chosing him. You are in Vallejo! right down the road from me ... are there ever any gatherings around our parts? you know with people from the board? Id love to meet some people ... I went to the OH seminar in Fairfield in June of 2006 and met some great people but thats been the extent of my meeting others. Let me know and you can bet I will keep you all posted. Thanks for replying to me.