Calorie Countdown - TGIF!

(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 8:06 am - San Antonio, TX
Hi everyone.  Happy Friday!  I'm a little late posting this but I just woke up.  I came home from work and went right to sleep, under 3 heavy warm comforters.  AAAAH.  I was having a rough day I guess.  I hope you all had a good day with food and with everything else.  Have a great weekend!
(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 9:26 am, edited 1/25/08 10:45 am - San Antonio, TX
Harumph, not a very satisfying day for me food-wise.  We had Subway catered food at a mandatory "fun" meeting today *rolls eyes*  - I ate the meat and cheese from my sandwich, and gave away my chips.  Then I stared at the chocolate chip cookie.  I stared and stared instead of listening to what the speaker was saying.  It was calling to me, singing "Eat me Jenny, I will be soooooo good.  What's that you say?  Why on earth would you dump from little old cookie like me?  I must only be about 100 calories, made with love just for yoooooou."  So I ate it.  I dumped, of course.  When I added it to my dailyplate I also learned that is a 210 calorie cookie, with 18g sugar!  I believe the 18, but 210 calories?  My goodness!  No wonder it tasted so good.  Apparently I underestimate cookie nutritional values.  Well that left me with few calories to play with and a lot of protein still to ingest, not to mention sleepy as can be from dumping.  WTG Jenn! Here's the damage:  B - 1/4 cup central market harvest trail mix S - pretzel sticks with cheese L - turkey and swiss cheese, tomato and pickle, from a 6 inch subway sandwich plus a singing cookie (WOW talk about bad choices all morning, no wonder I slept for 2 hours when I got home!) S - 16oz mootopia skim milk, 1 packet carnation instant breakfast (NSA) D - 1 cup progresso lentil soup Calories 920 Fat 29g Carbs 109g Sugars 47g!!! Fiber 12g (I see a supplement in your future) Protein 62g  Exercise - pffft nope, but I walked a lot at school.  I took the elevators though.  Vitamins - always Water - still working on it Regret and guilt - not too bad, tomorrow is another day, blah blah etc.
on 1/25/08 10:22 am - Baltimore, MD
Second day on my liquid diet an its really a test. I'm real hunger but I keep telling myself that I want to lost this weight.    B instant carnation shake 16oz L miss lunch was in class an didnt take a break ' D instant carnation shake 16oz 2 16.9 oz of crystal light an 2 pieces of sf gum  I need to take my shakes on time everyday I will just was really busy today.


(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 10:44 am - San Antonio, TX
Liquid diet is tough, I feel for you!  Was this a physician prescribed diet, or your decision so you could lose the weight you need to lose?  My prescribed diet was two shakes and then a small dinner with 3oz lean meat (poultry or fish) and veggies.  It was for several months, and it was tough.  I only had to do liquids right before surgery and then after surgery for a while.  All I can say is that after a few days you get more accustomed to it.  You definitely need to take your shakes on time and do 3 at least!  I don't know how much protein is in the carnation shake, but you might want to look into protein shakes or make your own with protein powder.  Protein will help keep your body and immune system strong, which is important since you will be having surgery soon.  Aim for AT LEAST 60g to stay strong, you don't want to weaken your body with too strict of a diet.  Best of luck! 
estelle S.
on 1/25/08 10:42 am - Brant Lake, NY

Thats why you are the Cute One! OMG!  That was hysterical - I wish one cookie would make me dump!  I haven't felt well all day so my intake of both fluid and food sucked! but I did takemy vitamins  b=nada L about 3 bites of chicken breast  D= a few bites of creamed spinach and a bite of hubbys pasta couple cups of coffee (which is probably not helping)

No exercise unless you count completely redoing my managemnt program?   prolly not huh? lol

(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 10:56 am - San Antonio, TX
Aww, I'm sorry you aren't so Sunshiney today!  I hope you feel better tomorrow!  I hate to be a nag but you should probably drink lots of water and kick some of that coffee to the curb my dear, because you are right, its probably not helping.  I get a headache when I'm dehydrated - you? :) Jenn
on 1/25/08 1:08 pm - Toronto, Canada


 well i started strong but had 2 meals out-low on pro, HIGH on fat! oh yeah and a ****tail! i am soooo bad


What I've eaten: - Choose a Day - January 25th, 2008 January 24th, 2008 January 23rd, 2008 January 22nd, 2008 January 21st, 2008 January 20th, 2008 January 19th, 2008 January 18th, 2008 January 17th, 2008 January 16th, 2008 January 14th, 2008

click "x" below to remove an item
Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein  
Jack Link's Beef Jerky 1.00 80 1g 20mg 590mg 3g 3g 0g 15g x
Campbell's Chunky Chicken Corn Chowder 1.00 250 13g 20mg 720mg 24g 4g 2g 9g x
salad 1.00 13 0g 0mg 24mg 3g 2g 1g 1g x
Kraft Low Fat Ceaser Dressing 1.00 45 4g 5mg 200mg 2g 1g 0g 0g x
Kraft Low Fat Ceaser Dressing 1.00 45 4g 5mg 200mg 2g 1g 0g 0g x
Manhattan ****tail 1.00 130 0g 0mg 0mg 3g 3g 0g 0g x
Tesco White Fish 1.00 80 1g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 18g x
Burnt Butter 1.00 102 12g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g x
Carrots 1.00 35 0g 0mg 88mg 9g 6g 2g 1g x
Knorr Hearty Italian Vegetable And Bean Soup 1.00 120 4g 0mg 740mg 19g 3g 3g 3g x
Fitness Minutes Calories Burned Distance Heart Rate
Add your physical activity/exercise for January 25th, 2008!
Click totals for charts! Totals: 900 37g 50mg 2,562mg 65g 23g 8g 47g

starting BMI 60.8+

lost 126 lbs since November 10th and still dropping...Surgery Dec. 10th

BMI currently 42.2




on 1/25/08 2:37 pm - CO
I was doing well until dinner.  I plowed through the entire salad and wasn't even hungry when I ate the tortilla, the SF pops, or the Atkins bar.  I was just feeling depressed about no job and not enough money.  Oy. B: 1 can Instone pudding, 100 calories, 20g protein      1 EAS protein drink, 110 calories, 17g protein E: 30 minutes killer treadmill, 200 calories expended S: 1 Atkins protein bar, 150 calories, 11g protein L:  1 EAS protein drink, 110 calories, 17g protein D: big ass salad with lettuce, shrimp, and cheese @ 600 calories, 27g protein      1 flour tortilla @ 180 calories, 5g protein S; two pair SF popsicles, 60 calories S2: 1 Atkins protein bar, 150 calories, 11g protein Totals:  1460 - 200 expended = 1260 (oink oink oink)!  108g protein This kind of eating needs to stop.  I have my monthly WLS support group on Monday and I don't want to be so fat that I break the scale.  Back on my liquid foods for the weekend.  I need something strict and disciplined so I feel like at least some part of my life is under control right now. Kix              



(deactivated member)
on 1/25/08 2:43 pm - San Antonio, TX
(((Kix)))  You are doing so well, you will get on track because you've worked your ass off for every pound you've lost since I've been on this board (and before that too I'm sure).  1200 calories for the day is hardly a meltdown - I'm just trying to figure out how a salad with shrimp and cheese only had 5g protein?  Depression sucks and the winter weather doesn't help matters I think.  I am a stress eater, a bored eater, an eater when I'm alone, and a mindless eater.  I'm just an eater.  I love food.  I wish they could operate on my brain!  I hope you feel more upbeat tomorrow. 
on 1/26/08 12:42 am - CO
I had to laugh when I read you slept under three heavy comforters.  My sister is a polar bear and refuses to turn the heat any higher than 63 degrees at night.  This was not a problem when I was on supplemental oxygen, as the concentrator kept my room toasty.  However, now that I'm off the oxygen, I discovered 63 degrees is #&*$*%! cold at night.  I have three blankets and two quilts on my bed.  Some nights, it's not enough, and I have to wear heavy slipper sox to keep my feet from freezing. I was mad at myself yesterday for overspending on my lotto (spent $30 and didn't have a single win, which is unusual.  I usually get at least 80% of my money back and thus keep playing the same money over and over again).  No win means no money to play, and I love me some lotto.  Plus, the job pickings are scarce right now, and I'm mad that I won't get a tax rebate because being on SSDI, my benefit isn't high enough to need to file.  Hmph! I was also mad at myself because I had one of those days where my pouch did not do its job and say, "Hey, we're really full!  Cease eating now!"  Usually if my brain wants to overeat, my pouch says no.  Last night, they were in cahoots, I swear!   My salad had plenty of protein (27g), I think you read the protein count for the tortilla.  It was really delicious, too.  I take tiger prawns from Costco, boil 'em up, cut 'em up into pieces, and throw them in a bowl of romaine lettuce along with a couple of oz of shredded cheese.  That's tasty eating! Thanks for the hug, I feel better now. Kix



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