Grouchy Pouch
I spoke with my doctor today -- she's really good about calling ASAP when I have medical issues. I think it's because she knows I'm not a hypochrondriac.
I told her all my symptoms, and how things went food-wise over the weekend. She doesn't think it's a stricture or a blockage. She felt it sounded more like an intestinal virus that was giving me a grouchy pouch, and now I'm on clear liquids for a couple of days to let things rest.
I do feel a bit better today, and the beef boullion is sitting without causing me to belch like a foghorn. I would like more variety in "sick food" so I am going to try and strong arm my sister into driving me over to the store a bit later.
Kix -- I'm glad you're feeling better today... even more glad that it is not something real serious like a stricture or blockage. Still, it's never fun when you don't feel good.... I do hope your grouchy pouch has an attitude adjustment & gets back to normal soon. Keep us posted. Feel better!!
(deactivated member)
on 1/21/08 7:28 am - San Antonio, TX
on 1/21/08 7:28 am - San Antonio, TX
I am glad you are feeling a little better today, and I hope your doc is right and a few days of liquids help.
i can't tell you how relieved i was to read your post about the grouchy pouch. although i am in the early days, i have been experiencing what i refer to as "pouchy says no!" example, one night I had about 4oz of slowed cooked lean beef chili-the kind with no beans, a bit of soft lettuces, a square inch of corn bread. pouchy was agreeable. the next day i tried a chunky veggie soup and tuna-pouchy said NO! i'm wondering if pouchy needs a day to recover from more ambitious meals. hmmmm...i wonder
starting BMI 60.8+
lost 126 lbs since November 10th and still dropping...Surgery Dec. 10th
BMI currently 42.2
(deactivated member)
on 1/22/08 2:02 am - San Antonio, TX
on 1/22/08 2:02 am - San Antonio, TX
Generally, if my pouch gets upset, it takes a few days before it goes back to normal, and I will bland soft foods for a while. I don't go back to liquids but I go back to mush for sure. I've seen some people on the boards go back to liquids for at least 24 hours after an incident.
Pouchy can say no for a lot of reasons - my pouchy says no when I wait too long to eat, if I eat too fast and/or swallow air, if I eat too much, if I drink too soon after, if the food was too heavy or too fatty, and sometimes for mysterious reasons. Generally I don't throw up from it, but I definitely get the urge, and if I do throw up I take it easy for a while. Sometimes something I've eaten multiple times fine will suddenly give me a problem. My most recent misery was the last of a huge batch of chili that I'd made and frozen into individual portions 2-3 months ago. I've eaten it at least 20 times with no problem, but this last time it bothered me a lot. Pouchy is your friend, but he is a fickle friend.
I named mine Thundercles. He makes a lot of noise and punishes me when I do wrong.
All the best,