Calorie Countdown - weekend

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/08 3:27 am - San Antonio, TX
Well, there wasn't much activity with this thread last weekend, but someone mentioned wanting to post on the weekend so here we go!  I lost 4 lbs yesterday but 2 of them seem to be back today.  Pffft.  I really need to get a grip and not let the stupid scale dictate how my days goes.  So I'm gonna slap on a happy face and go see a movie all by my lonely.  I need friends.  Friends without kids so they can drop everything and entertain me All my friends have kids now and that just takes too much planning.  *in search of young irresponsible friends* Have a nice weekend!
(deactivated member)
on 1/19/08 5:15 am, edited 1/19/08 5:16 am - San Antonio, TX
Here's my food plan for Saturday - B - grande skinny cinnamon dolce latte S - 28 marcona almonds (1 serving) L - 2oz grilled chicken breast, 1oz marinated fresh mozzarella (didn't quite finish the chicken) S - 16oz mootopia, 1 packet carnation instant breakfast D - 4oz leftover grilled chicken breast, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1/3 medium onion, 2 tbsp pico de gallo, 1.5 serving fresh pineapple, sauteed in 1/2 tbsp olive oil S - leftover dinner, 2 fiber tablets Calories - 1019 Fat - 34g Carbs 82g Fiber 14g Protein 92g Exercise - 30 minutes recumbent bike, sweep, scrub, and mop kitchen floor and entry way
Patty T.
on 1/19/08 9:00 am - Boalsburg, PA

I know what you mean about friends having kids. I never had any myself until I acquired 2 step-kids at 43. From my early twenties until my 40's I'd find myself drifting away from the ones who had kids. It felt sort of like a friend who gets into a new all-absorbing relationship. That's what their life is about. Me, I'm much more Auntie than Mom material. I want an end to it....

And I felt selfish for feeling that way, but I think it's a fact of life for those of us who are childless.

I found a great group of friends at the local community theater. Gay guys are great girlfriends! Plus many of the folks with kids involved their whole family.

The hardest time is when they have really small kids. I have a BFF back in PA who had an 8 and a 12 year old when I lived there. She, her kids, my dog and I took lots of hikes together and let our dogs play together in my yard. The kids climbed the apple tree onto the garage roof (nearly every visit, too) and a great time was had by all. But that was 12 years and 100 lbs. ago. :>(

It is much harder when you are SMO though. Now that you are losing so well, maybe you can find hiking buddies or whatever you enjoy doing.

Be proactive. Invite over some of the new kid-less grad students to a movie night.

Good luck, I know how frustrating it is having your friends "disappear" into parenthood.

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/08 12:01 pm - San Antonio, TX
It is frustrating with really young kids especially.  And even more so because I am rather picky in the friend department so its not like I have a whole bunch of them to fall back on.  My very best friend EVER lives here - in fact I followed her to San Antonio.  When I met her, she had one kid and he was/is really adorable, well-behaved, downright wonderful.  I wish he were mine sometimes.  Now she has 3 kids (and one is 2 years old) - and lives way across town.  Its virtually impossible to plan anything that doesn't involve kiddos, which is fine, but between them all getting sick at one time or another, or a million other things that come up, its basically impossible to make plans, period.  She keeps canceling.  I understand, but its frustrating.  For example, I wanted to hang around and just take pictures of the kids because I am trying to become a better photographer.  She decided I would take their Christmas pictures.  Plan 1 - canceled because they were broke so she couldn't get haircuts for the kids.  Plan 2 - canceled because the baby was sick.  Plan 3 - I don't even remember why she canceled- oh yeah she was sick. Plan 4 - she and husband were fighting, she hadn't slept, didn't want pictures taken.  Plan 6 - oops her parents came to town, she forgot to let me know.  Argh.  Needless to say they didn't have Christmas pictures.   Each time, I set aside any other plans for her, and then she canceled on me last minute.  I eventually lost my temper and said forget it, but she knew that was coming.  It makes me wonder if I want kids! 
estelle S.
on 1/19/08 10:58 am - Brant Lake, NY

Hey Cute One, I gotta tell ya we have friends that don't have kidsand we have friends that do have kids, Tonight I went to dinner with a friend who has a son the same age as mine only we left the kids at home with their dads :)   Had a great time just bsing.     just have a kid and you wont need friends without them, you'll never have time to do anything either. lol jking having kids is the best part of my life!  So that brings me to my horrible food day lol here goes (with no totals ) B=scrambled egg L= Chicken and broccoli steamed no sauce from a chinese restaurant s= fortune cookie s=fortune cookie d= chicken marsala couple bites of angel hair pasta desert= about 5 small bites of taramesu  I dont know how to count this I barely ate any chicken and my 2 bites pasta was almost nothing too. I knew i wanted a few bites of the taramesu which was awsome but probably = about 2 tbls total and to top it all of my liquid intake sucked just as much. I ate very little at lunch because I knew I had dinner plans , oh well tomorrow is another day,  Estelle

(deactivated member)
on 1/19/08 12:05 pm - San Antonio, TX
You are not supposed to sign things "Estelle."  That is not your name in my threads missy LOL @ "just have a kid" MMMM I had an unfortunate run-in with fortune cookies earlier this month.  Not a good day, Sunshine, but you got some chicken in there, and egg, so it could have been worse.  My liquid intake sucks today too, actually my food too.  I don't think I'll get in nearly as much food as I had planned.  Now I'm just aiming to finish my protein before bed. 
Jeanine F.
on 1/19/08 10:18 pm - Clifton Park, NY
Daayyuuummmmmm Girl....after all that discussion at the support meeting you ate CHinese??  Must be the MSG doesn't get to you?  Thats good, I suppose.  DID YOU TAKE YOUR VITAMINS???? Don't make me call you twice a day to check!  LOL  You're right tomorrow is a new day.  I'm taking two of my grandspecials to see Water Horse today.  I haven't been to the movies since summer.  DH and I used to go without fail EVERY weekend. Standard order was Largest popcorn layered 3 times with butter (more like yellow oil) and X-large diet coke and we shared it, VERY often getting the free refill.  Good wonder the pounds packed on!  Sooooooooooo, I know I can barely resist the smell of that damn popcorn, so I am going armed with a baggy of some fat free popcorn and a water. Lets the kids and DH spend a fortune on that CRAP at the concession stand.  My focus will be on having fun with the grandkids rather than the FOOD there....Hmmmmm HUGE milestone for me!   Stay in touch.  HUGS  Jeanine


estelle S.
on 1/20/08 1:17 am - Brant Lake, NY
Hey GF, well you know my Boss owns a chinese restaurant so I kinda get what I want as far as how it is made goes, I order it steamed with no sauce, MSG has never bothered me but it will make me retain water so I cant have to much of it, I like that hot mustard so I eat my broccoli and chicken with that mustard,   And yes that movie popcorn can kill ya, But be carefull of popcorn at all its the one thing that really bothered me since my surgery,  I took my vitamins thanks for asking!!!  see ya soon Estelle  P.S  Have a blast at the movies!!!
Jeanine F.
on 1/20/08 9:07 am - Clifton Park, NY
We had a great time with the grandkids. I really liked the Water Horse movie.  I went prepared with 3 roll ups of deli sliced smoked turkey with provolone cheese. I made a mini bag of my fate free popcorn and took a couple handfuls in a ziploc bag in my purse. At least I felt human having a little something like everyone else.  Thankfully, popcorn has not bothered me at all. I spit out the loose hulls. LOL   Good girl for taking your vitamins. I'm gonna ask you everyday! LOL   HUGS  Jeanine


(deactivated member)
on 1/19/08 4:53 pm - San Antonio, TX
You can brighten the picture, but not the cat :) Its not a great picture technically, but I think its my favorite picture that I've taken with my new camera, so I just had to share :)
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