Gym is Open (Tuesday 1/15)

on 1/14/08 2:49 pm - CO
My sibling turns 61 today.  My nieces (her kids) asked for ideas as to what to get her for her birthday.  I suggested they network her Tivo to her computer -- she has been talking about this for a while, but isn't one to spend for herself. One birthday gift already arrived -- $70 worth of Himalayan salt.  Oy, gevalt, I've about had it with them!  These are the same folks who asked me what I wanted for Christmas and when I said "Gift cards," bought me a mini-trampoline.  Now they buy their mother fancy organic salt.  It makes me mad enough to yodel, I swear.  Ugh!  If they felt the need to give her something this esoteric, at least they could have bought a cow for an African farmer or something more useful than salt. We did her birthday stuff last week (a play and dinner), but I'm going to make a small batch of spinach lasagna for dinner and surprise her with it after we come home from aquacise.  I also have the soundtrack from "Juno" and a collection of Harry Potter stamps from France as small gifts. Exercise-wise, I plan to do killer treadmill and some ab work, plus aquacise. The gym is open, sorry for venting!  What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 1/14/08 8:17 pm - somewhere
Good Morning Kix! Well I had plans for a good long hard last workout, but I was running late and then work called with problems so I had to cut it short... there are draw backs to having the gym in the office.... LOL 5 min elliptical warm up 30 mins upper body weight training  and then off to solve the world's problems.... LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 1/15/08 12:30 am - CO
As long as you are solving the world's problems, how about taking on one or two of mine?  Tomorrow is your big day!  How exciting!  Will someone keep us posted, or will we need to wait until you snap out of the anesthestic and are settled in at home to get a progress report? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 1/15/08 1:14 am - somewhere
my DD said she'd try to post on the TX msg board for me, I'll try to talk her into posting here too, if I can..... Hopefully I'll be able to post myself sometime Thursday afternoon.... Hugs!~

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

(deactivated member)
on 1/14/08 10:30 pm
Those kids of hers sound like they don't quite grasp the whole "gift giving" concept. Salt??? That seems, well, just weird.  Glad you are doing something special for her, I'm sure she will appreciate it! This is my last week of freedom before school starts and I was really looking forward to having my Tuesday and Thursday mornings to have nice, long workouts and just goof off. Instead I have been called to jury duty - ugh. I'm hoping this is my only day and they don't call on me. Everyone keeps saying I need to tell them I work for an attorney and they won't call me - hmmm, I'll have to think about that one. So, early this morning I got up and did 10 minutes warm up, 30 minutes of weights and 37minutes of sprints. I'm getting faster with the sprints, I actually lasted 2 minutes at 6.5 miles per hour!! So I do believe my evil plan for speed is working. Off to try to find an outfit that screams "crazy freak!" and maybe that will deter them from picking me today
on 1/15/08 12:33 am - CO
Jury duty?  Oh, Lord!  When I lived in Oakland, it seemed like I was called for jury duty every six months.  My boss finally asked me if I was encouraging them or something.   I was actually picked only one time (the last one picked, too, AARGH) and the lawyers decided to settle just as the trial was to commence.  The other times, I just had to sit there and pray my number wouldn't be called up. You could always pick your nose vigorously.  A friend of mine swears by answering all of the questions as if you were a survivalist.  He never gets picked for juries. Good luck! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 1/14/08 11:18 pm - San Antonio, TX
Ok as much as I like fancy organic salt, I can't imagine needing $70 worth from the Himalayas.  I have, once in my life, purchased unusual and expensive salt - a grey sea salt called fleur de sel from the coast of France.  It supposedly has lots of micronutrients and it tastes really good, but it was a weird buy and I would never give it as a gift unless it was to a gourmand - besides it was $20.  Your presents sounds much better, and yummy lasagna sounds good.  I was thinking about making a lasagna with eggplant instead of noodles, or I've also seen people do it with zucchini slices instead of noodles.  Haven't tried it yet - I don't think I'll be cooking much in the near future since I'll be matching my work schedule to my husband's as much as possible.  I used to work evenings in the lab and I liked it a lot better than getting up early like I have been, so I am sort of looking forward to the change. Exercise today - I have no idea - if I don't go to the gym I'll do recumbent bike at home this evening.
on 1/15/08 12:39 am - CO
I like eggplant, but if I tried to slip it in the lasagna, my sister would put me out of the house.  She is not very adventurous when it comes to food, which is why the stupid gift makes no sense.  She loves salt, but to her, Morton Salt is just fine.  She thinks her kids bought it because it was some fundraiser for their church (Unity Church), but I don't know.  It still makes me mad.  It's almost rude, and such a waste of $70. I always figured I could never marry because I'd get sick of the togetherness unless we lived in adjoining duplexes.  I never considered opposite work schedules.  I'm kind of a night owl, too, and would probably do OK with a night job, but I also like sunshine, so when would I sleep? I need to get my day started, since my treadmill takes close to an hour, but I don't feel motivated.  This is not a good sign!  Kix



on 1/15/08 12:30 am - Ontario, CA
Hi Kix, I have to laugh about the salt.  I've had gifts like that.  Too funny! I am off to teach water aerobics this morning.  Might get some walking on the treadmill too. Have a great day!

31 lbs lost before surgery
on 1/15/08 12:42 am - CO
Jennie: Me, too.  One gift that sticks out is a sterling silver pen shaped like a green bean.  Yes, a green bean.  The last fellow I dated bought it for me.  When I looked at it, he said, "I wanted you to have a special pen because you like to write."  OK, but the shape of the green bean made the pen very uncomfortable to use.  Not only that, my skin doesn't like silver, so it gave me a rash every time I used it. Idiot.  No wonder we quit seeing each other! It's going to be cold tonight in Denver, so I'm glad aquacise is in the warm pool! Kix



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