Husband was fired today

(deactivated member)
on 1/11/08 3:19 am - San Antonio, TX
Well, I guess it didn't matter if he decided to stay, my husband was just fired because of a rant about his job he posted on myspace 4 months ago.  Someone reported it, and they read it and said it violated the confidentiality agreement of the company.  So that's that. 
Valerie M.
on 1/11/08 4:26 am - newfane, VT
OH NO!!!  Is that legal??  That's HORRIBLE! Sounds like he works with a tattle tail.... I"m so sorry --- Obviously, this will affect your health insurance, right? I'm hoping you find something positive out of this... Good thoughts your way.... Valerie
(deactivated member)
on 1/11/08 4:48 am - San Antonio, TX
It is legal unless you can prove it was retaliation for race, gender, or religion.  He should have known better than to let it be public, but lesson learned I guess.  And yeah, insurance is the big question right now - the place he will probably work makes you wait 3 months for benefits, so we need to find out how long we still have our old benefits, and then probably buy cobra, at least for me.  I don't know how outrageous the cobra will be, but being without right now is basically a non-option, so even if we have to sell stuff to afford it, we'll still need cobra.  He was looking for another job anyway, and has been offered two, but they both have long training sessions where he'd have to miss 6-8 weeks of classes in college, and that's not really feasible as college is his first priority, he's already registered and paid, and a lot of that is from financial aid we'd have to pay back if he quit, anyway, so that's no help.   We were expecting him to be fired or to quit soon, we just didn't expect a blog to be the reason.  Crazy.  It doesn't really even say anything, but it names the company, oops.  I hope that in the long run it makes him happier to be away from that place anyway.  We'll have a few bad months.  I'm kind of sad about the losing the gym membership, haha. 
(deactivated member)
on 1/11/08 4:45 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Oh, Jen, I'm so sorry.  The internet is a blessing and a curse; I'm not sure why people post things on the internet that really should be kept private, especially as it relates to their jobs.  I'm sorry such a decision is affecting you and your husband in this way.   How will this affect your health insurance?  If his employer is large enough, they'll have to offer continuation coverage through COBRA, but it can be pretty expensive.  Will this also affect your gym membership?  I think so based on prior posts, but just curious.  I hope he's able to find a new and more satifying job soon -  Kellie
(deactivated member)
on 1/11/08 4:54 am, edited 1/11/08 4:55 am - San Antonio, TX
Thanks Kellie.  Yeah it wasn't a smart move on his part, but you learn from your mistakes (hopefully).  He should have made his blogs private, as I do, but apparently he didn't and I can't say it occurred to me to check.  And yes, I think I only have gym privileges for a month unless I want to pay a lot more.  We should be eligible for COBRA, and I think we will definitely purchase it for me at least.  Its kind of ironic, I had made an appt for 6 month blood work today even though I'm only 5 months out.  Originally it was in anticipation of him losing insurance anyway, but then this morning I canceled it because he had decided to stay with the company and just grin and bear it.  I'll have to make a new appt next week after all.  At least my surgeon's follow-ups are fee free. 
on 1/11/08 6:13 am - CO

Oh, bloody hell!  I am sorry to hear this.   It sounds like Ryan might be a tad like me in that we both have to learn life lessons the hard way, kind of like being hit upside the head with a 2 x 4.  At age 50, I'm finally starting to get the drift.   What kind of work does/did he do? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 1/11/08 8:43 am - San Antonio, TX
He worked for a bank in customer service basically, and yes he insists on learning all life lessons the hard way.  If you tell him something will happen it doesn't stick - he has to experience the cause and effect himself or it doesn't register.  He already has another job lined up, thankfully.  He went this afternoon and talked to them - unfortunately training and the first three months will be from 4 to midnight, with classes at 8am on T/Th.  It'll be interesting, since we share a car.  At least its more money :)
Jeanine F.
on 1/11/08 8:57 am - Clifton Park, NY
Sending you hugs Dunny cuz I bet you could use one right about now. So sorry about hubby's job.  To quote my mom (a very wise woman of 82) "When one door closes, another opens."  I hope he finds another job....even better very soon. Vent to us if you need to.  Lotsa HUGS....Jeanine


estelle S.
on 1/11/08 9:46 am - Brant Lake, NY
Yep, Sometimes The hard decisions are made for us!  I'm sure in the long run it will be a better thng I read down the post and i'm Glad he has another job already lined up. Your smart to not risk the health insurance thing though. all in all it sucks to get fired even if it was because of a silly mistake it still hits a nerve..  Hugz  Estelle
(deactivated member)
on 1/11/08 9:53 am
That just sucks, sorry hon. At least he isn't at a place he hates anymore, right. Tell him I'm sending good thoughts his way. Thank goodness he had a job lined up already!
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