Gym is Open (Wednesday, 1/9)

on 1/8/08 2:02 pm - CO
Did I remember correctly that today is Soos' birthday?  Happy birthday, Soos! The gym is open.  Not sure what exercise I'll do today, but I'll post it later.  At least it won't involve shoveling snow, I think we're done with snow for a couple of days. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 1/8/08 8:30 pm - somewhere
Good Morning Kix! 5 mins elliptical warm up 20 mins lower body weight training 30 mins walk-jog-trot-walk-trot-walk-walk on the treadmill the back of my thighs are killing me for some reason.... I can't tell if it's the jogging or something I over did on Monday...... Oh well, they will get better.... LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 1/9/08 11:23 pm - CO
Karen, I also get achy sometimes in areas where I can't figure out why they ache!  One day, I was exercising on the inline skating machine and my elbow began to hurt.  Elbow?  Go figure. Where are we in the countdown to your TT / hernia surgery? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 1/10/08 2:20 am - somewhere
It's at 7:30 AM next Wednesday....

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

(deactivated member)
on 1/8/08 10:15 pm
It was long run day and I did my typical 3 miles. However I was pretty excited to see I could up my speed and not crumble into a ball from exhaustion! I finally made it to the elusive 5mph, at least for half of the run. Just last month I was running it at 4.7mph so I feel pretty good with my progress. I'm amazed everyday that I actually WANT to run - this is so not the person I use to be. Thank god for that
on 1/9/08 11:32 pm - CO

PJ, I was watching 9News yesterday and they showed Matt Halliday training for next spring.  He was running on a treadmill and must have been going about 100 MPH on that thing because he was absolutely flying on it.  I wonder if that's what you look like when you run on the treadmill?  I was really impressed, especially since I'm more of a plodder (2.1 MPH).  I've never been a fast walker, mostly because I have bassett hound legs and when I walk really fast, I look and feel like a chihuahua on crack. When you hit those emotional roadblocks, think about the fact that you want to run, and how you can climb 14ers, and all the fun outdoor stuff you can do now that you're approximately 1/3 of the PJ you used to be!   After I read your droopy post last night, I started thinking about things.  I hope this won't make you sad, but your dad's service popped into my mind.  I remember all the remarks about your dad's love for the outdoors and how much he loved taking the Boys Club on adventures.  (I particularly enjoyed eavesdropping on the muffled conversations between all the ancient Kiwanians I sat next to).  Now that you are thinner and more fit, how nifty is it that you're able to carry on your dad's love of the outdoors?  What a fine legacy!  Kix



(deactivated member)
on 1/10/08 4:28 am
That was actually perfect, thanks. I've been thinking a lot about dad lately and you are right, he would love that I love the outdoors. I use to love to hear about his river trips and all the excitement that happened with the boys. He definitely put that fire there - although he thought I was crazy for climbing 14ers. That was a little too much for him. Thanks for that reminder though. As for how I look when I run, I would say that Matt Holliday has much better form than me - I am much slower and probably look more like daffy duck than Rocky.
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/08 2:37 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
No exercise for me today, Kix.  My quads are still super sore from my new lower body strength training routine that I did Monday.  Yesterday I thought my cardio on the elliptical and rower might help my legs feel better -- warm up the muscles, stretch them a bit, etc. -- but they are even more sore today!  So I'm taking the day off and giving it all a rest.  I did run a couple errands at lunch, since I wasn't getting sweaty.  I bought a new pair of New Balance cross trainers and two new sports bras.  I'm sure the woman in the fitting room next to me wondered what the hell I was doing because I was jumping around, and bending over, etc. to see how well the "motion control" aspect of the sports bra worked.  Also wanted to make sure the girls don't fall out, as I'm planning to try a yoga class and boy, wouldn't THAT be embarrassing -- "Pardon me, I need to excuse myself for a moment while I go pop the girls back into my bra..."  NOT.   Kellie
on 1/9/08 11:38 pm - CO
Kellie, I actually had my teabags fall out of my bra at the rec center once.  I was wearing a cheap Walmart sports bra, and I guess it stretched out to be just too big enough that when I bent down to work a different set of muscles on the inline machine, KERPLOP!  Since my teabags have no body to them at all, it looked like someone popped two balloons in the boobal area!    I had to excuse myself and reinsert them back into the bra. It also happened one time at Safeway.  I reached for something and KERPLOP!  You haven't lived until you've tried to reinsert your teabags into the bra without anyone seeing.  My sister came up to me and said, "Why are you playing with yourself in the store?"     I guess this means I know how guys feel when they wear boxers and their junk needs to be rearranged.  Oy! I have better bras now, thank heavens!  When I bought my new bras at Lane Bryant, I did all sorts of weird dances in the dressing room to make sure my teabags stayed put. Kix



on 1/9/08 5:38 am - CO
I'd like to know which college gave weather dude a degree.  He specifically said today would be nice.  He promised me 40 degrees.  40 degrees, my canary!   It hasn't made it above freezing, and it's snowing!  Snowing!  GRR. I went to a different Ballys in a neighboring community today.  It's a larger club than the one near my house, so I wanted to see if it was better.  It was not.  It's older, more beat up, and the people are all snotty.  The locker room was also not as clean.  Hmph! I did my fat burning workout on the treadmill again today for 30 minutes + 5 minutes cooldown.  It was a bit harder today, but I did it.  I also did some reps on the back extension machine.  My appointment with the personal trainer is tomorrow, so I figured I'd wait until then to do machines. Kix



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