You have got to be kidding....

(deactivated member)
on 1/7/08 10:57 pm
We've all talked about how we are always cold now - well, I've had MANY reasons to be colder than usual and this morning was the last straw! I woke up to no heat and it's snowy and cold outside! I'm sitting here with my warm laptop on my lap, just waiting for the front office to open so I can call them to get here ASAP - ugh, what a way to wake up. On top of that, last week my car's heater went out and I've been driving around with no heat, no defrost, nothing. Last night it took me 1 1/2 hours to get home due to the snow storm and I couldn't feel my toes or fingers when I got home! I jumped into a nice, hot bath the minute I got home and just sat there for an hour! I haven't taken it in to get checked since I can't really afford it right now but I've got to figure out something to get me through these %&$^# freezing days! I'm done venting - I was just so cold sitting here that I thought if I started to type at least my hands would warm up!
(deactivated member)
on 1/7/08 11:10 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

Oh, PJ, your heat picked the wrong time to go out!  Hope your building super is able to get it back up and running soon, soon, soon. 

Can't imagine being in a Denver winter with no heat in the car; hope a solution presents itself for that issue as well. 

In the meantime, hot tea?  Ho****er bottle?  Hot bath?  Layers of thermal underwear?  Small electric heater? 

Kellie, sending warm thoughts from Cleveland

on 1/8/08 12:01 am - CO
Well, we have plenty of heat at my house, so if things don't improve over there, pack up your old kit bag and head over this way.  (Seriously, if they don't fix it soon and you need a place to stay, holler). Stuff is always breaking at your place.  It sounds like one of thos complexes that they built in 24 hours.  I've been watching contractors build $1M+ houses up the road and the way they are slapping them together, I'd be hesitant to live in them.   My car's air conditioning kind of works.  The heat works OK, I just never use it.  I always layer when I go out in the cold (leftover habit from living in WA state) so I don't really have a need for it.  My sister cranks her heat on so high that you'd swear you were riding on a camel in the desert. I'm looking at approximately six inches of snow.  My sister's friend in Thornton never gets more than an inch or so.  I'm sure you had a boatload over your way, too.  Why are we always blessed with tons of snow?  It's getting boring. Kix PS, I guess it wasn't you that bought the winning lotto ticket at Safeway on South Parker Rd.



(deactivated member)
on 1/8/08 1:39 am
" PS, I guess it wasn't you that bought the winning lotto ticket at Safeway on South Parker Rd."
Don't I wish! Right now things are so tight that I can't even buy gas - I'm just waiting for my grant to come in for school and I'll feel like i won the lottery though. It's hard not making money anymore - I love what I am doing but I miss the days of random consumption! They got my heat back on about 30 minutes ago! YEAH!!!! T worked out while they were working on it and came back to a nice, toasty house. Thanks for the offer to stay there, I was wondering if I would have to crash somewhere if it was serious, thank goodness it wasn't.  Things do break around here a lot, although I would say that for the most part these are pretty well built (better than other places I've lived, that's for sure). But they are getting older and I guess I'm just living here at the right time for this to happen. My car is a whole other story - lord, to I regret buying that piece of junk. We got about 2-3 inches and most of it was by 7 pm. Not too bad I guess, although I tell ya if I had money I would be hightailing it for a weekend in Mexico right not - I am not enjoying this winter at all! Too cold and too snowy. Last winter just broke me for good. By the way, when you signed up for the Discovery Health thing at Bally's did you have to sign anything or commit to anything? I'm always weary of these things but I would love to sign up and try their Pilates classes. I did sign up and got their diet plan - um, I don't think that will work very well for me. Carbs galore, although some of the recipes seemed good. I might try a few. Off to take a nice, warm shower and head to work.
on 1/8/08 1:50 pm - CO
Glad to hear the heat is back on!  Lucky you, living in the apartment just as it decides to start falling apart from old age. I'm not enjoying this winter at all, either.  I thought the Farmers' Almanac promised us a warmer than usual winter?  Stupid farmers.  I have no desire to go to Mexico, but Hawaii sounds pretty darn good about now.  When I went to Bally's to redeem my certificate for the free eight week membership, I took a tour and did have to listen to a sales presentation (I did buy the membership today).  I didn't feel strong-armed in any way, though -- it wasn't like a timeshare presentation.  I felt that, had I refused any of the membership offers pitched to me, I'd have still felt welcome.   If you decide to sign up for a "real" membership, they offer a two-month guarantee, and I didn't sign up for electronic transfer, so I feel like it gives me a bit of control over things. Kix



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