Gym is Open (Tuesday 1/8)

on 1/7/08 1:39 pm - CO
AARGH, damn snow.  Living in Colorado has me very conflicted.  I love it here a lot, but I am not a winter person.  Every time it snows, I take it personally.  It looks like I will be shoveling snow as part of my exercise, about six inches' worth.  I hope the streets thaw enough for me to get to the gym.  Either that, or I need to suck it up and just try to drive in the snow, icky road and all.  Times like this I wish I didn't live on a hill. I'll post my exercise later in the day. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 1/7/08 9:07 pm - somewhere
Good Morning Kix, Snow.... that's the number 1 reason I live in Texas... what little we get, if any, doesn't last long.... LOL 15 Mins elliptical 30 mins upper body weight training 15 mins elliptical no walk-jog-trot-walk-jog today.... who knew you could get sore muscles from so much flapping skin????? 

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 1/8/08 1:52 pm - CO
There are parts of Texas I like a lot (Austin, San Antonio), but the summers are just too much for me.  You Texans are a hardy bunch! It takes a lot of extra muscle work to propel all that flapping skin.  I speak from experience! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 1/8/08 2:59 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I grew up in Northeast Ohio, so although I don't like snow, it doesn't keep me from getting around.  Put your big girl panties on and get on the road, Kix!  I seem to recall that the road crews there do a pretty good job of keeping the roads clear, although they didn't always get around to the side streets... I'm doing a 2-a-day again.  I lifted weights for upper body at lunch and did some core-strengthening exercises as well.  I'll go back after work for 40-50 minutes of cardio.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow, which is just a cardio day - that'll seem like a breeze since I only have to go to the gym one time!   Good luck to everyone finding the time, energy and motivation to move today!!! Kellie
on 1/8/08 3:31 am - CO
My car is light and kind of snow challenged, so it has a tough time getting up the steep hill if the road is icy.  I just peeked outside and the road snow has softened enough that I should be able to go out now.  Our steep hill only gets plowed if the snow is over 12".  The main roads are plowed and sanded, so I'm not worried about them at all. I probably need to get 80 lbs bags of kitty litter and put it in the trunk for extra weight. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 1/8/08 4:18 am - San Antonio, TX
I did a good workout this morning - 45 minutes weight machines - I did the squat machine, inner and outer thighs, and all of the arm machines (ugh) - 15 of each and then around again.  Then I did 20 minutes on the recumbent bike at the gym (but I like mine better) and played around on the elliptical for a few minutes but couldn't get the hang of it.   I'm a motion-sick spaz and it makes me want to I'm finally down to very minimal coughing and generally only at night.  I only had one fit at the gym and it was while I was on the bike. 
on 1/8/08 1:55 pm - CO
Dunny, you haven't lived until you do the elliptical backwards!  I felt like Wile E. Coyote on one of his Acme road-runner catchers. It sounds like you had a very good workout!  I'm also glad to hear your coughing is beginning to abate.   Kix



on 1/8/08 2:00 pm - CO
The snow finally softened on my hilly street, so I was able to go to Ballys and use the fancy equipment.  I did 30 minutes of killer treadmill (set on fat burning) and it had me walking up and down hills at tremendous inclines.  I was sweating in a most unladylike way at the end of the 30 minute session.  It felt great, though. I had some unplanned exercise this evening.  My sister came home from work and asked if I was ready to go to aquacise.  Huh?!  I wish she'd learn to go do stuff by herself.  I had to drag my backside out of the recliner, hurry and put on my bathing suit, and we rushed to the rec center.   Tonight's teacher was a substitute, and she worked us like crazy.  It felt more like the kind of aquacise classes real people take instead of the aqua movement classes we are accustomed to taking.  I did like it, although some of the other ladies did not.  They come to socialize, not really to exercise. I'm glad I did the extra exercise, and after class, we went to Costco and each had a Costco dog for dinner.  Yum! I ought to sleep well tonight. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 1/8/08 10:24 pm
Amen sister - maybe we could create a biosphere that is completely self sufficient and hide in there for the winter. Then in the summer months we could enjoy the wonderful Colorado weather outside. I think it just sounds splendid - no driving without heat, no sliding on the non-shoveled side walks, no more frost bite on the nose. What a great world it would be Alright, I'm done with my dreaming. I just realized i never posted my exercise yesterday so thought I should get caught up. Yesterday was one of the days I don't have to be at wor****il 1, so i took advantage of that and did a nice, long workout. I also was able to avoid the New Year resolution people who have decided to take over my treadmill in the early  morning (grumble, grumble) so that was a big bonus. I did 10 minutes warm up, 30 minutes of weights and 35 minutes of the killer sprints. Man, do those wear me out! But they are already helping with my speed so of course I will keep doing them. A friend of mine wants to do the relay run at a local Marathon in May and has asked me to run the 5K leg. I'm excited to do it but my time is so slow when it comes to racing! I really want to get out there and be able to keep up at least a little bit and not look like a turtle among all the hares.  
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