Gym is Open (Thursday 1/3)

on 1/2/08 2:06 pm - CO
I'm pulling another late night trying to get a couple of job applications done.  I'm not sure why I wait until the last minute with these things, it's not like I love to procrastinate.  Maybe I need the adrenaline rush to make it more exciting. I plan to go to the rec center tomorrow.  I may go to an aqua fitness class if I get my act together early enough, otherwise, it will be the usual workout. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 1/2/08 8:27 pm - somewhere
15 mins elliptical 30 mins upper body workout I can really tell that I goofed off for 2 weeks... LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 1/3/08 2:12 pm - CO
Karen, good job with the exercise, and I hope your muscles aren't as sore as mine are today. BTW, is that your husband in your avatar, and why does he look as if he's being led off to have a root canal without anesthesia?    You look great in the pic. Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 1/3/08 10:27 pm - somewhere
Yep, that's the DH... he always looks like that... I'm gonna blame it on not liking to be photographed... LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

(deactivated member)
on 1/3/08 1:35 am
I love being on break - today I don't have to be to wor****il 1pm so I was able to sleep in a little and then do a nice, long workout. It felt good to really push myself and my stomach is FINALLY feeling better, so I feel pretty good. I did 10 minutes of warm-up walking. Then 30 minutes of upper/lower body weight work. Then I did 35 minutes of sprints/interval training. My legs were like jello when I was done but I felt pretty good I lasted that long. Interval training wears me out faster than endurance workouts and I usually fade at about 25 minutes. I stepped on the scale this morning and was so happy to see 5 pounds gone - I LIVED in the bathroom yesterday and really watched what I ate and it paid off. I figure in a couple of days this sugar will be out of my system and I'll feel much better. Man, it's been hard to not put something in my mouth - I have gotten into some really bad habits with my tootsie roll fetish!
(deactivated member)
on 1/3/08 2:15 am - San Antonio, TX
You should try keeping a candy you don't like around for emergencies - like those awful valentine candy hearts or black licorice - blech.
(deactivated member)
on 1/3/08 2:49 am
Bleech is right, I hate those things! (well, not the candy hearts, but definitely the black licorice) I actually got some glucose pills at the store the other day and i keep them with me all the time. I haven't had to use them yet but I figure they are a better option than candy, since when I have candy with me I want to eat it all the time. I have actually noticed a difference since I started this "detox" - my sugar has not dipped once. We'll see if it continues to work and I just might adopt a modified version long term. If it keeps my blood sugar stable I am all for it!
on 1/3/08 2:17 pm - CO
EW! Add candy corn to that list, too. Kix



on 1/3/08 2:17 pm - CO
5 lbs gone?!  (mumble grumble).  I'm pretty sure I found your 5 lbs over here in Green Mountain.  I went to Whole Foods yesterday to pick up some ground buffalo meat and didn't realize that Wednesdays were pumpernickel bread day at the store.  I LOVE pumpernickel bread.  I bought three rolls the size of softballs and ate one for lunch, and one for dinner.  Of course, I weighed more today. The third roll went out to the curb this morning for trash pickup. I saw a guy at the rec center on the treadmill running at 8 MPH, and his slowdown was 4 MPH.  Makes me feel like a piker when my "fast" pace is 2.1 MPH.  At the rate you work out, I'm not surprised you're already down 5 lbs.  I aspire to be able to work at such a pace.  Someday! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 1/3/08 11:16 pm
You'll get there, but you are doing so well! You are going and that's HUGE! I was always real good with the short time commitment to exercise but never lasted beyond a few months so I have been worried that I might do the same thing. But I figured the other day that I have been exercising regularly for over a year now and I think I might just be able to keep it up  - god, let's hope so. Ok, and I just have to say, 8MPH!!! I'm barely at 5mph and feel like I'm going to die when I go any faster. I'm getting a group together to run the 10K Bolder Boulder in May and 2 of those in the group are so fast (6 minute miles!) that they have qualified for the Boston and New York Marathon. By the time I finish they will have taken a shower, had lunch and probably gone shopping. This whole detox thing has been really good and encouraging - I feel so much better when I don't eat simple carbs (it's bread for you, and crackers and cheese/chocolate for me - I have to STAY AWAY from those things!) But, I have been craving anything salty and crunchy the entire time and I have a big time headache - it's just like when I stopped drinking Dr. pepper before surgery. Hopefully it doesn't take me 3 weeks to get over my sugar overload!
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