Gym is Open (Wednesday 1/2)

on 1/1/08 3:11 pm - CO
Thank heavens, the gym is open!  I plan to do something today to move my body, even if it just means a walk at the mall.  My plan is to go to the rec center. I'll post my actual exercise later. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 1/1/08 6:41 pm - somewhere

after two weeks off I got back into my routine today but I took it easy 5 min elliptical warm up 20 mins lower body weight training 10 mins elliptical and boy am I glad the gym is open too!

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 1/2/08 11:24 am - CO
Karen, was it tough getting going after two weeks off?  Did any body parts snap off in the process? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 1/2/08 1:28 am
Despite feeling like crap (food hangovers are just as bad as alcohol ones!) I was determined to run this morning. And I did - I did 37 minutes, or 3 miles. I also did 10 minutes of warming up and 5 minutes of cool down. I can't say I feel great because I don't, but at least I did it. Today is the beginning of my detox and boy, do I need it - my stomach is a mess and my clothes are tight. Hopefully by Sunday I'll be doing and feeling better and can get back to running 5 miles.
Diana C
on 1/2/08 10:08 am - Pearland, TX
OMG look at your great skinny pic!!! I've been mia and freaked when I saw it. You go girl!!! Diana

     01-2008005.jpg picture by Diana1604 01-2008001.jpg picture by Diana1604 BillDiana2.jpg picture by Diana1604
iana ~ Mommy to Cody  04/08/07 ~ Wife to Bill

(deactivated member)
on 1/2/08 10:44 am
Thanks Diana, that's so sweet of you. I sometimes don't even recognize myself with all the changes!
on 1/2/08 11:27 am - CO
Are you running outside in the cold?  If so, your neighbors must be better about shoveling sidewalks on your side of town.  Some of the lazy sods on my street can't be bothered.  I am amazed sometimes at how unneighborly some folks are -- I have shoveled neighbors' sidewalks before if I'm already out shoveling, but they never reciprocate.  The young folks around here don't shovel for the elderly neighbors, either.  Sods. You got in nearly an hour of exercise!  Good job.  I was lucky to do 20+ minutes before I fell over like a dead tree.  I hate starting from scratch. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 1/3/08 1:29 am
Running outside?? Haha, that's funny. I'm a wimp when it comes to that - if there is anything AT ALL on the walks I won't even walk to my gym, and that's just a 1/4 of a mile from my house! I live in a n apartment complex that is pretty bad about shoveling, but I'm always surprised at how my neighbors all get out and shovel on their own. I usually do my own and the walk in front of my building and there are some young guys behind me who helped a lot last year with all the snow - I was pretty impressed with how everyone pitched in. I think that's a rare thing. Good for you for doing 20 minutes! It's hard to get back on track after being off - I'm feeling it and I only took 5 days off!
(deactivated member)
on 1/2/08 4:28 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hi, Kix.  I went to the gym at lunch today and did 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer, then 30 minutes on the rowing machine.  I've been engaging in two deadly sins for the past couple weeks -- sloth and gluttony -- and I can feel it.  I've gone back to my normal food plan and exercise today, and am already feeling better.  Thank goodness our bodies can be so forgiving.   Tonight I'm planning to clean the snow out of my driveway - will use the electric snow thrower as much as possible, and finish with the shovel.  So will get more cardio in later today.   Good luck to everyone finding their New Year's workout groove!!! Kellie
on 1/2/08 11:28 am - CO
Kellie, I look forward to the "feeling better" part now that I'm working toward getting back on track.  My body isn't as forgiving, it takes me about a week to get back up to speed.   No more snow shoveling here, at least not for a few days.  Yay! Kix



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