Could You Come To My Party?
I wish you were my sister. In sugar, donuts, tuna..........hell, I dont care. I just want someone who can understand where I am in my life. Thank you for sparing me the co-pay.......I can use it to gamble. (LOL......but also sad) Thank you for sharing your story with me. I appreciate it more than you can know. Just to know I'm not alone in this means so much to me.
on 12/30/07 6:28 am - San Antonio, TX
Hi Wilby, welcome back and so glad you came. I am not going to say OH WILBY because I understand as so many of us especially on the over 50 BMI board do. I want to tell you that I am an action oriented individual that is driven for solutions and closure-at least that is what they tell me at work. LOL. I tell you this so you can understand where the rest of my post is coming from. As others have said, I think your first order of business for the new year should be a change in therapists and you should choose one with a license to practice medicine so they can prescribe medications that can assist you through these rough times. Better living through chemistry!! And I agree with the poster that said you should chose one that is outcome oriented not working on why we are the way we are. I also wonder if there is an onbusman from your husband's military group that you can stay in contact with and perhaps volunteer to help others who may be going through this for the first time. It may get you out of the house once a week which sounds like it would be a good thing.
I have one child, a 23 year old son. I live in Maryland and he went to college in Missouri and is now a mining engineer in MN. As a matter of fact about an hour ago his plane touched down in Melbourne Australia where he is visiting a friend he graduated college with who is also a mining engineer. Do I miss him? You bet I do but I promised myself I would never let him 'feel' that he could not try out his wings because he would be leaving me. (Something my mom made me feel) I am lucky that I have things around me that can fill me up. And it was hard work finding them, don't get me wrong. But you will be happy to know that exercise is NOT one of them. So I would like to challenge you Wilby to actually give some time to yourself and figure out what it is YOU like to do. My guess is that you are doing so much for others that except for the enjoyment you get from your daughter there is nothing refilling you up. You have to find those things that will do that. And once you do, with the therapists help you can transfer your time spent with gambling and throughing up to those things that you like.
I hope I haven't offended you. I wish you well in the coming year.
Hi Wilby,
I'm just a new girl here, a pre-op. I want to give you a big hug.
I also agree with everyone *****commends a new therapist. Meds are good too. I've had good and bad therapists over the years. The best one was a counselor who gave me assignments - journaling, specific behavior changes and called it "homework". I can talk a good game, but talk ain't gonna fix me. Action is.
Inertia got me where I am.
Here's where I'm taking action this week (besides going swimming);
I've done some 12 step stuff before about relationships. I didn't like the OA meetings I went to, but I know the process works. Part of it is the fellowship, which I'm finding here. Part is having a place to be accountable. That's here too. But I need something more. I've been warned that as I move along this journey, lots of stuff is going to come up. I want to be ready for it.
I'm going to try an Al-Anon meeting this week. No, no one in my life is an alcoholic, but I'm tremendously co-dependent. I'm seeing that for me to put the tool of WLS to optimal use, I need to start to learn to take care of myself. I don't do that very well yet.
What action are you taking this week? You already took a big step, in posting so honestly. Think about what else you can do.
Take what you like and leave the rest.
Another big hug.