Gym is Open (Christmas Week)
I went to the gym after work on Thursday - was my first visit in a week. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer, and 30 minutes on the rowing machine. I'm LOVING the rowing machine; I'm started to see some better definition in my deltoids and in my back muscles, and I really attribute that to the rowing. Plus it gets my heart rate into the right zone and keeps it there; wish I had tried this machine much sooner!!!
Good luck to everyone finding a bit of time to exercise during the holidays; it's a challenge!!!
Wednesday - tried to work out twice, but the pool was closed in the morning because it was just too cold to get in. I was supposed to teach a class Wednesday night, but no one showed up, and the pool was a chilly 82, so I didn't get in.
Thursday - Taught a hard 60 minute workout. Felt GREAT! Last night, I had lots of walking around old town Pasadena. Even climbing 5 flights of stairs in the parking structure to get back to my car didn't wind me or even slow me down. Great feeling of freedom from all the weight loss. I'm so very glad to have my LIFE back! I can do so much now! Praise the Lord!
Friday- On my way to the pool in about 30 minutes for some laps, and then I will stay for the water aerobics class.
Saturday - I'm scheduled to teach class in the morning. Then, dh and I are off to San Diego for the day, and night. Sunday, I want to go to the animal park for the day.