Gym is Open (Thursday 12/20)

on 12/19/07 1:18 pm - CO
I think we are finally getting to Boulder today, although we have to be back by 2 PM for my sister's ultrasound appointment.  Her doctor thinks she passed a gallstone lodged in her bile duct (she doesn't have a gallbladder anymore). I plan to do major walking.  We also have to stop at the mall where I do my daily walks (my 11 yr old niece in Kingman desperately needs another Build-a-Bear.  I swear this kid always has her hand out, I'm pretty sure she doesn't need yet another bear), so I'll do a lap around the mall while my sister waits for the @*$(% bear. What did you do to move your body today? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/19/07 11:15 pm - San Antonio, TX
Oh man, I passed several gallstones before I had the gb out.  It hurt sooo bad.  I am actually thinking maybe my little brother has a stone in his duct too (he had gb removed 6 mos ago at only 15!).  He's having similar attacks to what has gall bladder attack was.  There is also the possibility that there is a lot of pressure behind the opening to that duct, and that causes pain (often from scarring but sometimes for no reason at all).  They can go in through your nose and widen the opening with a little snip and that helps a lot of people.  I have what feels like a mild attack now and again for no reason at all.  They were happening once or twice a year, but since surgery I've had 5 or 6 that usually last about a day.  I HOPE I don't end up with a stone again.  I know just the weight loss can cause them.  Will report exercise later.  Going to the gym with hubby wakes up.  I am about 50% less sore today - its definitely manageable and moving will probably make me feel better.  Hope your sister feels better quickly (and gets to eat something soon, stupid fasts!)
on 12/20/07 2:46 pm - CO
Her attack was pretty bad.  I was up late working on the computer, and she had gotten up to get a drink of water (she's an early to bed, early to rise kind of person).  Next thing I know, I hear muffled groaning from the kitchen and she's hunched over the kitchen counter moaning and suffering.  I was about ready to call 911 when it subsided. I had my gall bladder out in 1981 and I think I had twinges of phantom gall bladder pain off and on for about three years.  Haven't had a bit of trouble since, and I intend to keep it that way! She just about keeled over fasting today (I ate protein bars while we were out and about today, but I had to go easy on the water because she was dying of thirst).  We went out for Mexican food once her test was done and she drank four big glasses of water and scraped the design off her dinner plate. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/20/07 12:38 am
Great day to walk, it's pretty nice out there! Now if the sun would just come out, it would be just perfect Guess what I did today - I RAN 4 MILES!!! That's the most I have ever run and I don't even feel that bad - I'm just flabbergasted that I did it! But this is part of my getting ready for the 10K I'm running in May - I'm adding one long run a week and today was my long run. I decided to shoot for 4 miles but mostly wanted to see how far I could go. WOOHOO, 4 MILES!!!!! Ok, that just made my week and now I am extremely motivated to keep moving - it's so much fun seeing progress every week. I'm hoping to actually run OUTSIDE next week when I'm in San Antonio - I figure there won't be any snow on the ground so it will be much safer than here!
(deactivated member)
on 12/20/07 7:45 am - San Antonio, TX
Yep, it was downright warm here today. 
Patty T.
on 12/20/07 10:55 am, edited 12/20/07 10:56 am - Boalsburg, PA

That's a great achievement! Congratulations!



on 12/20/07 2:48 pm - CO
4 miles?  Wow!  I'm still in the creaky knee stage of walking.  Maybe someday I'll be brave and see if I can do a walk/run kind of lap.  Are you running indoors or out somewhere in the neighborhood? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/20/07 8:01 pm
Just inside because I'm a wimp who is too scared to run outside .  At some point I need to get over this little fear, especially since I will be running OUTSIDE for a race in February!! I'm going to try in nice, warm San Antonio next week, we'll see how I do. I read about your trampoline and had a flash back to myself - so i guess we are both ungrateful wenches. My dad was a PRO at doing that - every Christmas he would buy my mom some obscure gift that she didn't want just because he wanted to be creative in his gift giving. It became a running joke in our family to see what he would come up with each year. i think I'll miss that this year.
(deactivated member)
on 12/20/07 3:54 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
My only exercise today was shoving a giant shopping cart around BJ's Wholesale Club at lunchtime.  My poor car is stuffed to the gills!  But all the BJ's shopping is done for the next month or so, and it wasn't super busy.   I am so looking forward to getting back to my exercise routine next week... Kellie
on 12/20/07 2:49 pm - CO
I'm pretty sure you get double exercise credits for pushing a full shopping cart at the wholesale club! Kix



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