Gym is Open (Wednesday 12/19)

on 12/18/07 12:56 pm - CO
I'm cheating by opening the gym on Tuesday night.  I have a full day tomorrow and don't want the rest of you to wait on me to open the darn door!  My plan is to walk, walk, walk, then go to the tire store for new tires, then take care of some errands, then walk, walk, walk some more.  If the rec center isn't crowded, I plan to go there and do some strength training as well.  I OD'd on catfish today, so I plan to eat lightly and thus feel less sluggish. I really hate it when I'm not able to exercise, which makes me laugh when I think about how I used to be -- I'd never go anywhere that didn't have a drive-up window. What fun things did you do to move your body? Kix



Karen The Papaya

on 12/18/07 8:01 pm - somewhere
Last work out before a big break and I just wasn't into it.... LOL 5 mins elliptical 30 mins lower body weight training 5 mins elliptical and off to the showers..... LOL

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

on 12/19/07 12:58 pm - CO
Color me slow, but I just noticed you changed your avatar! You did get 40 minutes of exercise done before throwing in the towel, so I say, "Well done!" Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/19/07 4:31 am - San Antonio, TX
Ummm can't move my arms today so my options are limited.  I can't move much of anything actually, but the arms are especially brutal.  I stretched out earlier and they *almost* went above my head.  So yeah, no exercise today.  Definitely going back to the gym tomorrow though. 
on 12/19/07 12:59 pm - CO
Dunny, the first days after commencing exercise are the worst!  It will get easier, and pretty soon, you'll be wiping up the gym floor with the rest of us. Kix



on 12/19/07 12:57 pm - CO
I did plenty of walking today, and lots of gear shifting as I drove all the way across town to get tires for my car.  I think I was about a block away from Kansas. The rec center was crowded again.  Don't these people have a life?  I may have to wait until next week when people are busy with the holiday season. My sister's lab results came back a bit wonky, so now she has to have an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow to see if she has developed a gallstone in her bile duct (she had her gall bladder out years ago).  Poor thing has to fast until 2 PM, which means I'll be eating on the sly tomorrow. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/19/07 10:44 pm
It was weights and sprints day for me - I did 10 minutes of walking to warm up, 30 minutes of weights (although my 2 favorite machines were broken, so I was kind of disappointed with that) and then 20 minutes of my interval/sprints running. I could tell I got a good workout, my muscles were in the 'feel good type of sore.' I am having a hard time getting motivated, although I am sticking with my training. I think school being out has me in lazy mode - I don't want to do anything but lay around by the fireplace. Talk about a lazy bum!
(deactivated member)
on 12/20/07 3:52 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I'm late in posting, but I went to the gym after work yesterday.  I'm starting the new routine from the exercise specialist.  I did lower body strength training last night as follows: 5 minute warm-up on bike step-ups with 10# dumbbells - 2x10 leg press machine - 3 sets (15, 12, 9) @ progressive weights - 135-140-145 hip abductor machine - 3 sets (15, 12, 9) @ progressive weights 65-70-75 hip adductor machine - 3 sets (15, 12, 9) @ progressive weights 100-105-110 stationary lunges - 2x10 ball squats - 2x15 plie squats - 2x15 I'm not very coordinated with the lunges yet, but I'm sure it'll get better over time.  My quads are sore today, but not as bad as last week.  When I was done with the strength training, I did 30 minutes on the rowing machine.   Kellie
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