Gym is Open (Thursday 12/13)

on 12/13/07 1:34 pm - CO

Dunny, I took a tai chi class years ago with some friends, and while it was quite relaxing and helped me be more limber, I felt like an idiot while I was doing it.  Let me know how you like it. Don't let the locker room bother you.  I shower at the rec center after swimming, but if i've done machines/treadmill/inline machine, I just go run my errands all funky and then shower when I get home.  My rec center is mostly dead from 11-2, so I usually go around 10:30ish.  I tried going first thing in the morning to get it over and done, and the place is packed.  I never knew so many seniors got up with the roosters. Kix



on 12/13/07 1:22 pm - CO
Well, I almost came home a big winner.  I was playing a nickel slot machine and it had some sort of triple diamond theme.  I made my wager, hit the button, and up came one triple diamond... two triple diamonds... and the third triple diamond landed one spot shy of the row.  AARGH!  My sister hates gambling, she took me up there as an early birthday present.  I think her bad feelings about gambling gave off a mojo.  I only won $40. We had a coupon for breakfast (buy one, get one free) at a local restaurant in Morrison not too far from our house, so we went there to eat before going gambling.  It turned out to be more rustic than we expected.  The food was subpar, which surprised us because the place is always packed.  Not only that, they had personalized Christmas stockings hung in various spots throughout the restaurant, and the stocking that was hanging near our table had the name "****" on it.    Not exactly appropriate for those of us of the Jewish persuasion.   Exercise-wise, I did lots of walking (7000 steps).  I could have done more, but my sister was cold and refused to walk outside.  Since I was walking, it was warm enough for me and I'd have been fine doing more walking, but the sidewalks were a bit icy in spots. Kix



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