hi mostly a lurker

kindredspirit fl
on 12/14/07 6:16 am, edited 12/14/07 6:16 am - islander, FL
hey i know alot of girls over there.they are a wealth of info.you are 4 months out.how has it been?was it open or lap.my (hopefully)dr does it open.dr anthone.i am in the process of the referals etc.i think i have seen you.thank you for the welcome.
Dina McBride
on 12/14/07 10:34 am - Portland, OR
Yeah - I'll never forget the day when I read my medical chart and it had me listed as super, super, super morbidly obese.  I thought - "run out of adjectives?  One not enough?  Can't think of a more unique way to make me feel horrible?"  Ugh!  Yeah, nothing super about morbid obesity, is there? I honestly think everyone is so amazingly and uniquely made.  I know women who have lost close to 250 pounds who look *amazing* and with clothes on you'd never know the excess skin issues they have.  And then I know women who have lost 100 pounds and - dang - you KNOW they oughta be taking researching PS REALLY seriously - like now. I lost 210 pounds.  I had a hernia repair/abdominoplasty done when I was 10 months post-DS - they took 9 pounds of panni off then - I probably have that much still left over since I - of course - continued to lose weight.  After the HR/A I thought - FORGET PS!  It was a huge surgery and it totally sucked pain wise.  I just didn't want to go back into surgery any time in the forseeable future.  Well, here I am at nearly 5 and a half years post-op and I've picked a plastic surgeon (Dr. Federico Perez de la Romana in Alicante, Spain) and would go tomorrow if I could arrange all of the child care, etc. issues. Probably the things that bug me the most: The mons from hell.  When I had the HR/A insurance only covered to the pubic bone - so I have what one friend laughingly refers to as the "female scrotum" hanging there.  Having 210 pounds worth of excess skin there is not nice. My panni - it's hard to fit pants right - they're always way too big in the waist, and I'm always yanking them up. The arms.  I'll never forget the time I accidentally got my hanging batwings stuck in the recliner - I was trapped!  Awful. While it may seem impossible to think you'd ever want to go for another surgery, at some point the magic "poof" moment arrives and you begin to wonder, "What would it be like to NOT have all of this extra skin?!" Sigh... Hugs, dina
Open BPD/DS July 2, 2002
Revision:  Lap Re-Sleeve November 10, 2008
Dr. Aniceto Baltasar, Alcoy, Spain
Read my DS Blog:  http://livingthedslife.wordpress.com/
kindredspirit fl
on 12/15/07 1:28 am - islander, FL
wow 210lbs.that is what i need to loose.i know you're right because i hate this hangy belly i have now.i really appreciate all that candid thoughts.

kindred spirits

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