hi mostly a lurker

kindredspirit fl
on 12/12/07 8:00 am - islander, FL
but i am hoping to have th duodenal switch soon and join you guys on the loosers bench.i am also a super morbid.can't figure out what is so super about it though.lol.but my question is...do all supers need the plastics after the weight is gone?i hate the thought of more surgery.but how bad will the skin be.i thank you for your input.

kindred spirits

on 12/12/07 8:24 am - Philadelphia, PA
Plastics will depend upon alot of factors, your age, body shape, how many times you lost and gained weight...etc.  I chose to have a panni 4 years ago instead of GBS.  Not one of my best ideas but I have now lost 200 lbs. and will have another panni this January.  You might feel different about plastic/reconstuctives once you are losing the weight.  Just remember start documenting any rashes, aches. pains, etc as that helps to get insurance to pay Good luck to you.  Super morbid is such a harsh term but unfortunately it is the one they use.  You will be out of that catagory before you know it. Jeanne
(deactivated member)
on 12/12/07 11:12 am - San Antonio, TX
It really depends on your skin - your age, whether you smoke, tanning habits, age, nutrition, how much you yo-yoed with weight, your stretch marks, how heavy you were, how well you've taken care of your skin, and just plain luck. But from my investigations I have found that most SMO people do have a lot of excess skin, and it really depends on the person's preferences and how much the skin interferes with their lives on whether they go through a lot of extra plastics.  I hope I won't need a LOT because I am young, don't have much stretch marking, have never smoked or tanned, and have taken good care of my skin BUT I expect I will need some - probably a panni and brachioplasty.  I'd have my breasts done while I was there I think. 
kindredspirit fl
on 12/13/07 2:01 am - islander, FL
what a great acomplishment.you are doing so great
on 12/13/07 12:13 am - CO
I have lost the equivalent of two normal sized adults.  Interestingly enough, I have no skin sagging in the face, neck, or shoulder area.  Of course, my empty boobs, and belly hang low enough to make up for the lack of sagging face skin!    And my upper arms, I could knock someone out accidentally the way my upper arm skin waves back and forth. I still carry a lot of weight in my thighs, so they don't sag much, yet.  There is some sagging, though. I don't get rashes because I am vigilant about skin care.  Even so, I'd like to win the lotto and have a body overhaul, mostly just to put everything back where it belongs.  I'm not expecting to look like Heidi Klum.  Unlike Dunny, I grew up in the era where being tan was in, and I shudder in horror now when I think about all those summer days when I baked in the sun slathered in baby oil.  It won't be the end of the world if I don't get plastics done, though.  I'm just glad to be down to a somewhat normal size.  My health was failing, and now it's much better. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 12/13/07 1:08 am
I've been pretty fortunate in the skin area - I've lost 200 pounds and have only minimal skin - it's not perfect but my stomach doesn't hang over much. I do have skin on my thighs and my breast have gone from a C to an A+ (seriously, that's what they told me. I had no idea they even had +'s in bra sizes!) My arms are the worst part, they could fly off on their own! But nothing that hinders me from doing anything or causes any rashes. I've been overweight all my adult life (I'm 42) but have never smoked or tanned or any of the other stuff on the list, so maybe that's why? I'm also an exercise freak and I do believe that has helped - it can't solve all of it but it does make a slight difference. If I had thousands of dollars to just spend I would probably do plastics, but I'm pretty happy with myself at this point. I can live with some skin if it means I'm healthy!
kindredspirit fl
on 12/13/07 1:59 am - islander, FL
thanks for all the input.i have been big my hole life but i don't smokeor tan.that is interesting that the yo yo dieting would be a consideration.i have but only small amounts most of the time like the same 50lbs.everyother year.lose for a year then spend the next year gaining it all back.i am 49 this year yikes.well we will see and i am sure i will be happier even with the skin.there is always the spanx girdle i hear they are great.thank you all again.i do so love this forum.very nice to just come and be encouraged.no drama.

kindred spirits

Tricie 40
on 12/13/07 2:36 am - Back Home For Good, IL

I have loss almost 150 lbs and I have not tanned or smoked.....HOWEVER, I have yo-yo diet for as long as I can remember. I am 43 and I don't think I have much hanging skin anywhere really except my arms. I have what Kix called on one post "deflated balloon". My stomach, thighs, and breast looks like you have blown up and deflated a balloon too many time and now it has loss it elastic. It's not pretty but I love it. It is much better than it was 150 pounds ago. I plan on having as much PS as my insurance will pay for and maybe a little bit out of my pocket.   


The only person that is with us our entire life,  is ourselves. Live while you are alive




kindredspirit fl
on 12/13/07 6:08 am - islander, FL
you look great.i am so impressed with all this success.these surgeries have been such a blessing.i can't wait for mine.

kindred spirits

on 12/14/07 5:58 am - Cumberland, MD
Hey Kindred Spirit, so nice to meet you I had the DS 4 months ago. You will love it here. Everyone is sooooooo supportive. I always feel good when I finish posting and reading even if I start out feeling icky. Please keep posting. Also the DS forum is a good place to get DS information and support as well.

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